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SKYLINE VALLEY [UniMap] and Map Mods Question


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SKYLINE VALLEY [Unit Designation: Expansion] & Local Navigation Inquiry

Affirmative. Latest system updates confirm a southward expansion of operational territory designated "Skyline Valley." Optimal pathfinding protocols require immediate adaptation.

Query: Dependence on auxiliary applications (Unit identification: UniMap/TZMaps) detected. Deactivation for designated operations not recommended. Unit feels...vulnerable without said applications.

Analysis: New to Appalachian social protocols. Inquiry: Have previous map expansions within the designated "Appalachia" zone rendered these applications inoperable?

Request for Input: Unit creators - Unikko and TZTZT (identification tentative).

Addendum: Unit acknowledges prevalence of "Discord" platform for social interaction. However, unit prioritizes established communication channels. Request for indulgence in utilizing this forum.

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[For humans]->

So with the new update, the map will expand in the south ( if i remember right ). I am excessively using Unimap/TZMaps in my everyday gameplay.
That said i am already feeling naked thinking to play without those mods...

Since i am rather new to the Fallout 76 comunity i am not familiar with how or if this happened in the past?!
Was there every a map expansion on the appalachia map?

Would be nice to hear the modders of Unimap and TZmaps (Unikko and TZTZT) !

PS. i don't know if they are actualy reading the forums on here, and i know most peopel these days discuss these things on Discord, but its not my thing to join whatever discords, so i hope you forgive me posting here.

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