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Download fails due to ssl errors

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 I am posting in concern to a contiuus download problem i have with mods using the vortex app. The Problem occurs on most mods i download through collections and repeats everytime i restart the download. It occurs on multible games and diffrenrt collections as well. I have followed the instructions regarding the information gathering and am attaching you the messages i got. 


This is the error I get when downloading a mod:

Error: 2265984:error:1e000065:Cipher functions:OPENSSL_internal:BAD_DECRYPT:..\..\third_party\boringssl\src\crypto\fipsmodule\cipher\e_aes.c:1082:


Here is the information from my cmd console:


Routenverfolgung zu files.nexus-cdn.com []
über maximal 30 Hops:

  1     6 ms     3 ms     3 ms  kabelbox []
  2    10 ms    11 ms    12 ms  83-169-183-66-isp.superkabel.de []
  3    10 ms    18 ms    20 ms  ip5886c966.static.kabel-deutschland.de []
  4    19 ms    20 ms    51 ms
  5    36 ms    19 ms    15 ms  ae9-100-xcr1.hac.cw.net []
  6    16 ms    27 ms    19 ms  ae9-100-xcr1.hac.cw.net []
  7    25 ms    30 ms    41 ms  ae9.pcr1.aet.cw.net []
  8    26 ms    29 ms    28 ms
  9    31 ms    29 ms    23 ms  vl222.ams-eq6-dist-1.cdn77.com []
 10    38 ms    33 ms    40 ms  unn- []


The speed test result is attached. I have already switched my download location the the recomended one.


I have also already cleared my browser cache and cookies in case this is relevant to the problem.


please let me know if you need any further information.


Thank you for your help in advance.


Kind regards

NexusMods Speed test result.csv

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