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Filter OnPreActivate event handler based on creature type


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So I'm attempting to create an event handler for the showoff plugin event "onPreActivate" that fires whenever the player tries to open the inventory of a non-human creature like dogs, nightstalkers, deathclaws, etc. However I'm not able to get the attached UDF to run with the filters I've tried.


I've tried using a formlist containing the creatures I wanted to test on for the filter like so:

SetEventHandlerAlt "ShowOff:OnPreActivate" MyUDF 0::AnimalsFormList


As well as getting just a list of dogs at runtime from the vanilla dog faction to see if it would work on them:

SetEventHandlerAlt "ShowOff:OnPreActivate" MyUDF 0::(GetFactionMembers DogFaction)


Maybe I'm misunderstanding how to use these filters for creatures or don't have the right forms in my formlist to be able to match with the actual creatures that get spawned in the game, I have no idea. Any help would be appreciated.

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