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Need helpto remove FO4LoadAccelerator


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The Fallout 4 engine is very dependent on frame rate (yes, very idiotic, but that is Todd for ya').

Open fallout4.ini and fallout4custom.ini , look for the setting (in C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)


if it is "iPresentInterval=0", change it to "iPresentInterval=1" (without the quotes).

Changing this will lock the framerate.

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Are you sure fo4loadaccelerator is the cause of your problem?

It sets the framerate way up, while loading, but restores it after. It should not affect the frame rate, while playing, so.

It actually sounds more like you have a uncapped framerate, which should probably be solved if you follow DjinnKiller's advice. Note: you can set a framerate cap on your GPU as well.


It's not Todd's doing btw, in a way it is but this has been a design choice for many games out there, for quite a while. At least its not bound to the CPU anymore like early titles did (The first Doom for example).

...but why they tie something like the speed of lockpicking to the framerate ... is a bit beyond me. (I once did a test with a RTX2070Super, reaching a framerate over 2300+, that totally brakes the game, like lockpicking is impossible. (touch a button and you have a broken lockpick)


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On 6/1/2024 at 12:09 PM, Tomatabzumarzt said:


Thanks alot! It wasnt a Mod issue, but a driver issue.

I installed a new Graphic card driver and vsync was off. so i had really high FPS.



Cool that you got it sorted! The FPS nonsense in the Creation Engine (or whatever Todd & Co call it these days has been a source much frustration)..

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On 6/1/2024 at 12:40 PM, RoNin1971 said:

It's not Todd's doing btw, in a way it is but this has been a design choice for many games out there, for quite a while. At least its not bound to the CPU anymore like early titles did (The first Doom for example).


The CPU-bound speed back in the days (I have a hunch that both you and I are old enough to remeber those days since you refernce it).
On my old 8086 back in the 80's there was a "turbo" button that dropped the speed down to 4.77MHz for games that was bound to CPU in case they did go haywire, and were based on the orignal IBM PC spec.

My point, in a game from 2015 (even if the engine is older) to lock  it to framerate is, imho, insane. 
But, you have a point, many years ago the yield/performance of a game switched from CPU to GPU.....but we are talking olden times.....way before the Beth Creation Engine games, and I remember them well! 😄

Edited by DjinnKiller
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