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Game messages not appearing


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since recently, the game messages that appear top left are gone. You know the ones that tell that a mod is installing or LotD telling you if you found an item.

It happened from one day to another without me installing any mods or changing anything else. I shut down and when I started playing the next day, the messages are gone.

And -  maybe related or maybe not - all shouts are silent.


Any advice on this? I googeld and only found how to turn the messages off.


Thanks in Advance


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10 hours ago, TurntLogic said:

Try Sound Fix for Large Sector Drives, it may fix your silent shouts issue. Note it requires SKSE.

I will, thank you for the suggestion.

10 hours ago, TurntLogic said:

For your HUD issue, you could try setting bShowHUDMessages to 1in the [Interface] section of your skyrim.ini. I'm unsure if this will work though.

Well, actually, it was this setting but in a peculiar way. in skyrim.ini it is set to "1", that was one of the first things I checked. After I read about it in a subreddit, I tried to force this in via console (setini) and it worked. So my issue is (mostly) solved though I have to use the console every time I start the game and I have no idea why the INI setting doesn't work.

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If you have mods with MCM settings, you could take a look at each one, to see if there is a setting you missed that re-establishes the unwanted behavior at game start.  Also, some (many?) mods w/o MCM settings have their own .ini or .json or .toml settings files, and they are in various locations, as defined by the mod installation processes.  You could look at these as well, but might be quite tedious if you have a lot of mods.

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2024/6/2 上午12点29分,RomulusAugustulus 说:


嗯,实际上,这这个设置,但方式有点奇怪。在skyrim.ini 中,它被设置为“1”,这是我首先检查的内容之一。在subreddit 上读到它之后,我尝试通过控制台(setini)强制执行它,并且成功了。所以我的问题(大部分)解决了,尽管每次启动游戏时我都必须使用控制台,而且我不知道为什么INI 设置显示无效


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