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How can I merge 2 equipment meshes into one?

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Hello. So the story is… I’m using the modular equipment mod. It’s awesome and I love the look of the gear. But I want to use all of the gear for the look that I want in the underwear slots.

However, I need 4 slots to hold all of the gear. So I was wondering if there was a way to combine the meshes of 2 of the pieces of equipment into one item. Specifically I’d like to combine a corset body piece with an arm piece. Nothing looks like it will overlap. 

I don’t think the author minds me trying to do my own edit. It’s purely for use on my tav. You can see the conversation in the latest posts on the modular equipment posts page. They actually said it shouldn’t be too hard and that I could get it done with the Modder’s Multitool.


I’ve been playing around, reading up, watching videos ect but I’d really love some direction. If anyone can give me a rundown of how to go about it, it would be greatly appreciated.

If it’s a no go, I guess last resort is I could try using one piece in the musical instrument slot.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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