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[Mod Request] Mod for camera that doesn't get backed into walls


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Essentially, we all know the problem: The camera gets backed into a wall, and suddenly the enemy bacomes impossible to read and predict, you can't see Sekiro and you probably loose target lock.

Well, there are a few mods that try to improve / fix this, but I feel like they're all missing the obvious solution that could be tried: literally just having the camera clip through things that are in the way, and preferably have the objects go invisible. Instead, the mods that we have do extra stuff, like changing the camera angle or disabling lock-on entirely (which increases how much camera-wrestling needs to be done, if anything).

Also, another way to solve this problem could be to literally just have the camera rotate around wolf and the enemy when it hits an object instead of going up Wolf's ass, that way we could still see what's going on and maybe even get some cool camera angles out of it.

Edited by Anoobis100prc
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