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FallUI - HUD: Messages widget not working propely!


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Just as the title says.

To be more specific, the messages for item pickups are the ones not working.

The messages only work for:

  1. Hollotapes and setting items added by mods
  2. Info messages from mods
  3. When an item is consumed, i.e.: a Stimpack is used

It was working to the 100 just fine. They suddenly stopped working for picked-up items out of nowhere

  • No new HUD or UI mods have been added.
  • The issue persist between different runs (different new saves)

I use the entire FallUI mod suit (all requirements installed), from the beginning, and this issue never appeared until now
I have already reinstalled the entire suite and tried to default the MCM setting for these mods, but it just doesn't work


I also tried to replace it with DEF_HUD, but the issue persists too so IDK what to do anymore, the rest of FallUI - HUD and the mod suite works just fine.

Some help would be really appreciated

Edited by Markuzkiller
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16 hours ago, Markuzkiller said:

It was working to the 100 just fine. They suddenly stopped working for picked-up items out of nowhere

"To the 100", what, level?
To little information....

Are you on old-gen or new -gen?

If on new-gen did you verify that every "module/part/mod" is verified to work on new-gen?

I am on old-gen, have been using the FallUI suite /mods for a long time, a must have in my load order.
Never had any problem, on the current playthrough at level 120-130 something, no problem.

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13 hours ago, DjinnKiller said:

"To the 100", what, level?
To little information....

Are you on old-gen or new -gen?

If on new-gen did you verify that every "module/part/mod" is verified to work on new-gen?

I am on old-gen, have been using the FallUI suite /mods for a long time, a must have in my load order.
Never had any problem, on the current playthrough at level 120-130 something, no problem.

  • ALL messages working included picked up items, which, right now, are the only ones not working.
  • I'm on OLD Gen (never updated)

I ran some more test, and it seems that messages for items added to the inventory as Quest rewards and Crafting are working too.

As I said before, these specific types of messages (picked-up items) were working as intended, for all items and for Caps too.

And I'm currently using a custom-made preset, without any kind of 3D effect

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