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(Please?) Mod request! Longer Nagamaki!


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I am a Buddhist priest in training and this game is basically my only earthly “vice” or source of secular entertainment at the monastery for the next 2 years.


as such, I would be really really grateful if someone could take the Corrupted Monks Nagamaki (the wp_a_0300.dcx file from the “Corrupted Monk” entry from this mod:: https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/353?tab=files    ) and edit it’s hitbox length to something around THIS (      https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/302    ) 


I’ve been wanting to play this game with the corrupted monk’s Nagamaki  for the longest, because Nagamaki are my favorite weapon ever invented but get no love in video games or media despite being basically the coolest thing humans have invented since shoes. I even have one IRL but left it with a friend since I couldn’t bring weapons (that big) to the monastery…


For this feat I would be willing to compensate the author with 100 recitations of Amida sutra as well as giving them a weeks worth of my merits and karma. Could also donate a few bucks {but this is 100% NOT solicitation or against terms of service, just a “maybe I could possibly donate”, so please don’t take my post down Nexus! I just want a longer sword!}

and please don’t tell my Osho! 😉 

Edited by Inanitatem
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  • 2 months later...

Hello. For changing hitbox, size of nagamaki needing big size.

The WeTransfer Link will work for 7 days. https://we.tl/t-bsJRJpI9If If link expire and you needing, post comment on my mod pages. I do not receive notifications except from my mod page.

For "Hitbox2" image, Wolf hit Okami Warrior.

Edited by vecchiarelli
Explain Hitbox2 image
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