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Mod Request: Repetitive NPC dialogue

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One of the most immersion breaking aspects of W3 that hasn't been modded out is the repetitive interNPC dialogue.

There have been some attempts but IMO the cure is worse than the disease.

There is already a mod to silence interNPC  dialogue with a hotkey when it annoys you ..... but then you have to remember to turn it back on .... and there is no direct stimulus to do that:


IMO the simple answer is to let the player have control of silencing NPCs BUT to set conditions to automatically turn it back on such as :

1) A customizable timer

2) A cell transition

3) A certain number of dialogs initiated by an player

Theoretically all of these would be initiated by the player or have a simple countdown timer so there would be no system overhead.

It may be also possible to set a timer based on when the last NPC dialog occurred BUT there may be no developer event variable to hook into and the script would have to keep polling for it which would get messy. 


Edited by Sirandar888
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