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Why, just looking for why Homemaker, Fences, Military Barriers and Platforms it crashes.


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I use the old an old version of Homemaker, not buying the DLCs 🙂,  and every time I try use Homemaker, Fences, Military Barriers and Platforms it crashes. Sometimes on entry of the menu but most of the time it is when trying to use Platforms that it crashes. I get lucky sometimes and can place three platforms, it can be fun reloading three times but after that annoying. I not ask how to fix the problem, but only why that one menu would crash and the rest of Homemaker works fine. Curious.

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That's a know bug for that version of Homemaker.  This is a link to a patch:


Which I only know about thanks to  FO4 Crash Log Auto Scanner And Setup Integrity Checker (CLASSIC) at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com).

I'm not using that version of Homemaker so I can't say whether the patch still works.

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