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xNVSE not precompiling scripts that are managed by Vortex?


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I think it should be said I am very new to modding and have only really touched New vVegas

I have about 73 mods for Fallout New Vegas right now and I just made a new playthrough, but every time I try and leave Doc Mitchell's house I get stuck in a loading screen, same if I try to console command out. I fixed something and now the loading screen no longer freezes completely everytime, whenever I load Fallout New Vegas through the default launcher(steam?) it just goes on and on forever, but when I launch it through NVSE's launcher in vortex it will just straight up crash immediately.

The error whenever I open up the console is as follows;
xNVSE: failed to precompile script file

I followed some instructions off a reddit page to find my load order and I think its missing a lot but this is what Vortex generated
YUP - Base Game.esm
YUP - Dead Money.esm
YUP - Honest Hearts.esm
YUP - Old World Blues.esm
YUP - Lonesome Road.esm
Landscape Texture Improvements.esm
Landscape Texture Improvements - YUP Patch.esm
Simple Open Strip.esm
Strip Lighting Overhaul.esp
Strip Gamblers.esm
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game).esp
Cloud Shadows.esp
Heat Haze.esp
Lucky 38 Lights Redone.esp
Max Level 75.esp
Mojave Nights.esp
Simple Freeside Overhaul.esp
Sprint Mod.esp
Strip Trees Open.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Windows of the Mojave v1.2.1.esp
Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp

Edited by Hirach
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I personally don't have TTW installed or Bottle the Water so it's probably just some kind of error with another mod or an xNVSE issue, which is unlikely, either way I still haven't found a fix and I'm probably just going to keep disabling my mod list 'till i find something. Would still appreciate if someone could find whatever was causing the issue though.


I deleted the managed by vortex part of the user_defined_functions and it solved the error message but I'm personally still crashing every time I exit Doc Mitchell's house. If anyone can help, I'm not ashamed to admit that, after beating the game with my own modlist, I followed a mod list from Youtube so if anyone knows any problems with this then I would appreciate it.

I didn't however download Vanilla Ui Plus, Pip-Boy 2000, either playing cards retexture, classic vault 13 jumpsuit or the armored version, window to the soul, any character kit remake, and Game intro upscaled.

Edited by Hirach
found a error message solution but still crashing
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I downloaded a heavenly host of mods when I tried getting back into NV a couple weeks ago and ran into the same issue with crashing when leaving Doc Mitchell's. At this point I only have xNVSE and, after a frustrating play session yesterday, NVAC. After 3 hours of testing, I feel comfortable reporting that adding *any* mod of any sort will regularly (but not always) flicker models in the over world and chug my graphics. Mods with higher demands will crash when loading a scene every time. Any lead on a solution to this or a patched xNVSE would hopefully solve the problem.

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