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EDITOR Warning in CK and change not apply to the game.


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Hello, i've made a mod that modify the value of ship habs and the CK have a strange behaviour when i make an small .esm.
I've modified habs in the "Starfield.esm" these change work in game, but i've also modified habs (the new empty ones) from the "SFBGS006.esm" and i don't know why, but the modified values from the "SFBGS006.esm" don't made to the game.
When i look in CK he created a duplicate of the actual habs and applied the modified values to the duplicate and not the original. (see attached screenshot)

The red warning in CK is the same for each habs : EDITOR: Editor ID 'SMS_Hab_HopeTech_Cargo_Empty_2L2W1H_A' for GBFM (01000004) is not unique, previous object (FD006570) is type GBFM. Editor ID will be set to 'SMS_Hab_HopeTech_Cargo_Empty_2L2W1H_ADUPLICATE000'.

Also when i've created my .esm the CK said it needs to compact ID's (this message don't show if i make a Full .esm but i don't change anything because even in the .esp or a full .esm don't work either)

Any idea why is wrong ?


Edited by Holfyy
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How Due to some creation kit new Full/Mid/Small .esm version this mod only work normaly as a Full master esm. Why ? because this mod use for empty habs the SFBGS006.esm wich is a Mid .esm master and if i make a Small or a Mid master the game create a duplicate of the habs and never apply specs to the on that is used in game. So i'm forced to make a Full master to make it work. (If there is any solution that work in small.esm you can add it after)

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