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Removing a model from NPC using geck

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So I'm trying to remove PrimmSlims hat using a dialogue script and I can't tell what the issue is or how I'm meant to be doing it. I'm using the format from the GeckWiki so the script is:


AttachModel PrimmSlimREF 2 "cowboyhat|*_SNIG*armor\headgear\cowboyhat\CowboyHat.nif"

I've also tried:


AttachModel PrimmSlimREF 2 "Bip01 Head|*_SNIG*armor\headgear\cowboyhat\CowboyHat.nif"


I'm using nvse geck with JIP or at least I think I am. So I can't workout whether the problem is my script or something else



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