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Ctds, missing textures and no crash log (fo4)


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I need help, I have been having missing textures, for example most of the church next to the museum of freedom is invisible, and even worse, I can’t complete the main quest line because I crash when i enter the museum of freedom, I also seem to crash when entering or exiting vault 88 and decided to just use cheats to build a settlement on spectacle island but now, 8 hours into my save, whenever i save my game freezes and. i have to reset my pc, I can’t even get into my task manager and it just “saves” forever, it started doing it with auto waves so i disabled them and manually saved, same problem, so, you may be thinking, “what does your crash log say?” and that is yet ANOTHER problem, despite having buffout4 and all its requirements installed and working (or at lease being read within the f4se log) but… no crash log generates, I even figured it might just not be i. my documents for whatever reason so i designated it to a folder with classic and had it read my logs.. no results, any help would be greatly appreciated, especially if you can help me get a crash log for my game so I can identify the problem mods

Edited by idc56
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