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New modder trying to understand CK Constuctable Objects and Food Items

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I tried something that should be very basic -- duplicate one of the COBJ and then edit it to create a different Potion item. An example would be copying the Alien Tea COBJ and converting it to create TerraBrew Espresso. I'm using FooDrink_Set_CoffeeBag01 with a count of 2 as an ingredient.

Problem: The ingredient count in the Food crafting window displays as 1 instead of 2. For some other similar recipes, it displays as 2 instead of 4. EDIT: This was a problem with my test save, not the mod. I had multiple ranks of Research Methods, which was skewing the ingredient count.

Other Problem: On rare occasions, the resource category (e.g., "Tea", "Coffee") will appear in the Aid tab instead of the item in question. Clicking on that entry crashes the game to desktop.

I would be thrilled to get any suggestions on what to do to try and solve this.

Edited by damurphy72
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I used the Creation Kit, and it is an ESM. I'm assuming from your questions that there are ramifications for this. I haven't downloaded SF1Edit yet, though I used the FO4 version a bit.

I would appreciate anything you can tell me that would let me know what I'm missing.

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I'm facing the exact same issue where an error item matching the Resource category is created, along with the intended food item. I've taken a look at the Boom Pop! Dynamite recipe (since the crafted item is also part of a resource category), but it's not any different from my new recipes or any other for that matter.

Regarding the ingredient count, remember that certain perks will decrease the number of ingredients needed for crafting. My plugin has some recipes where 7 items of one ingredient are needed, but the game has decreased that to 3 already.

I've created my plugin using CK as well, both as an ESP and an ESM, and the issue persists with both types of files. I'd also like to know if there's a fix for this.


Edit: I've located the source of the issue. Apparently using misc items with a resource tag as ingredients, will produce an item of that resource tag. After removing the tags from the coffee bag and tea pack items, the resource items were no longer produced by the recipe.

Downside is that coffee bags and tea packs can no longer be used for recipes that use any kind of coffee/tea item.

Edited by SophiaBNL
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