LunarTear59 Posted June 22, 2024 Share Posted June 22, 2024 Ive been playing with this modlist but i installed a mod that changes dialogue camera so it zooms on npc faces when you talk to them anyways i uninstalled that mod because it messed with my FOV and then i was never able to launch Skyrim SE again even without mods so i reinstalled the game but lost my mods in the process not a big deal i can reinstall them but i can't seem to get them to work so these are the mods i use: - "(Part 1) SSE Engine Fixes for 1.5.39 - 1.5.97-17230-5-9-1-1664974289.1" - "1Atronach-82382-1-1673278055" - "1K Elemental Eyes-18199-1-5-1544168692" - "1K Ruby Red Vampire Eyes-18766-1-1" - "1st Person Interact Animation Teleport Bug Fix-92795-1-0-0-1685907012" - "50 percent More Perk Points (ESL)-101883-1-1696497862" - "A Quality World Map - Classic with All Roads-5804-8-4CA" - "AddItemMenuSE_114_SKSE2019-17563-1-14-1598741692" - "Alchemy Plus-80882-1-1-0-1702491630" - "Alex's Higher Bounty Rewards-11294-4-0-1553047267" - "All in one-32444-2-1582543914" - "Altermate Perspective - Animated Armoury CID-102826-1-0-1697580169" - "Altermate Perspective - Skyrim Spear Mechanic CID-102826-1-0-1697580368" - "Alternate Perspective - I Used to Be a Dungeon Boss like You - v1.1.0-55310-1-1-0-1631208571" - "Alternate Perspective - Voiced Addon-96865-1-11-1718975864" - "Alternate Perspective-50307-3-1-1-1718363132" - "Andrealphus' Papyrus Functions-85252-1-4-3-1688750777" - "Animated Armoury Patch-49030-AApatch1-1-1620055870" - "Animated Armoury-35978-2-3-1634920456" - "Animated Dragon Wings By Anton-8986-SEv1-3" - "Animation Motion Revolution-50258-1-5-3-1664395662" - "Animation Queue Fix-82395-1-0-1-1673338766" - "Apocalypse v945-1090-9-45" - "Archery Locational Damage - FOMOD Installer-63863-2-1-5-1684834588" - "Automatic Crossbows EV-9370-0-2-3" - "B.O.O.B.I.E.S (Immsersive Icons)-89241-2-1-2-1711801371" - "BEES-1_2-106441-1-2-1702155399" - "Bad To The Bone When Picking Up A Skull-97119-1-0-1690677453" - "Bandit Encounters-19140-1-0" - "Behavior Data Injector-78146-v0-13-1667564855" - "Better Blood Splatters-40584-V1-0-1-1633208244" - "Better Jumping SE-18967-1-7-3-1658818941" - "Big Boi Strong-80021-2-137-1670181529" - "Blood Armory-29017-1-2-1571590515" - "BodySlide and Outfit Studio - v5.6.3-201-5-6-3-1693153421" - "Both Esbern and Delphine-39417-1-0-1597466706" - "Bug Fixs and Compatibility Patch for Animated Armoury-46088-1-2-1614264947" - "C.O.C.K.S. for Skyrim 1.5-81723-2-2-1716076783" Funni name - "CGO LEANING ONLY SE-90088-1-0-1682517118" - "CHEESE-23766-0-1-1551259306" Cheese. - "CL's Daedric Weapon Replacer-2916-1-2" - "CL's Dawnbreaker incl DSR files-2916-1-30" - "CL's Ebony Blade-2916-1-0" - "CL's Ebony Weapon incl DSR files-2916-1-40" - "CL's Orcisch Weapons incl DSR files-2916-1-3-1566720445" - "Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer CBBE - v2.0.3-198-2-0-3-1712683181" - "Carl Johnson-113889-1-1710305814" Mandatory mod. - "Character Creation Overhaul 1_3_3 SSE-2725-1-3-3" - "Cheese Magic-24716-1-1-1589942400" CHEESE. - "Cn Eyes-24117-1-2-1619530765" - "Combat Surrender-16729-0-1" - "Conduit - XPMSE Patch-58023-1-0-1643822861" - "Conduit-58023-2-7-1663677468" - "Consistent Movement Speed-65918-1-00-1648963779" - "ConsoleUtilSSE NG-76649-1-5-1-1704108553" - "ConsoleUtilSSE-24858-1-2-0-1583021370" - "Crafting Categories for SkyUI-81409-1-1-1-1713865527" - "CrashLogger-59818-1-14-1-1716098655" - "Custom Control Map-120719-1-1-1-1-1717108858" - "Customizable Camera 2.21-12201-2-21" - "Cyan's Extra Perks-47208-2-0-1-1640551951" - "DbMiscFunctions-65410-6-1-1718324568" - "Dragon_behavior-8726-1-0" - "Dragonborn Voice Over - Plugin Replacer-90417-1-7-1703891578" - "Dragonborn Voice Over-84329-1-1-1-1691780943" - "Dynamic Activation Key-96273-1-02-1693177288" - "Dynamic Armor Variants SE-88302-1-0-1680406191" - "Dynamic Armor Variants-65963-1-0-5-1665251802" - "Dynamic Collision Adjustment-76783-1-1-0-1665867655" - "Dynamic Impact - Slash Effects X-86071-1-20b-1701505263" - "ElSopa - Iron Weapons Redone 1k-52605-1-1-1626796073" - "Elden Spell Hotbar-111352-1-0-1707585099" - "Elemental Destruction Magic Redux - 1.2.0-37211-1-2-0-1665843546" - "Elemental Destruction Magic Redux - Ordinator Patch - by Stormhand-78026-1-0-1-1667355596" - "Enemy Magelock-49378-1-0-0-1619990342" - "Essentials Ragdoll on Knockdown-24974-1-0-1555077971" - "Experience-17751-3-3-0-1716638254" - "Extended Bandit Dialogue-113168-1-0-0-1709666005" - "Extended Guard Dialogue-106523-1-0-2-1709947111" - "FPCAO2 - SIZE MATTERS SE ALL-IN-ONE 2.01-45177-2-01-1612846122" - "Feral - Go for the Throat SSE v2.0-34552-2-0-1588715001" - "Feral Dragon Avatar (Weredragon) ESL-71453-1-1-4-1661166152" - "Floating Damage ver 0.4.5 for Skyrim 1597-14332-0-4-5-1574523917" - "FlyingMod.7z-13905-v1-1" - "FormList Manipulator - FLM-74037-1-7-1-1690989877" - "Fuz Ro D'oh-15109-1-7-1574514494" - "Get up with style (player only)-52535-2-0-1627055136" - "Glass Armors and Weapons Retexture SE - Low res-87580-2-1-1-1711732580" - "Goetia Animations - Magic Spell Casting-70204-1-4-1656370500" - "Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE - ESP-22075-2-19-1709382331" - "Hand Placed Enemies - Light-91290-1-0-1684015129" - "Heavy Armory FOMOD installer-6308-6-0-5-1711647812" - "Heimskr preaches about CBT SSE-33088-1-1582737274" - "Helmet Toggle 2-100617-2-8-4-1709293239" - "Hide Your Quests 1.0.1-50125-1-0-1-1622149001" - "Hotkeys System-73972-2-0-1-1675441973" - "I4 Armor Icons Overhaul-119824-1-02-1716621166" - "IFPV v10-22306-10-1604390362" - "Immersive Armors 8.1 SSE Test-3479-8-1" - "Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul-173-0-4-0-1-1651758317" - "Immersive Equipment Displays for 1.5.39 - 1.6.353-62001-1-7-4-1702213343" - "Immersive Interactions - Animated Actions-47670-1-76-1714320672" - "Immersive Speech Dialogues-42090-2-0-1711640226" - "Immersive Speechcraft SE-21296-1-1-1542464132" - "Immersive Weapons-16788-2" - "Immersive World Encounters SE-18330-V3-6-1-1639501058" - "InsanitySorrow Weapons Pack v1.7-8206-1-7" - "Inventory Interface Information Injector (SE)-85702-1-1-0-1713968718" - "Inventory Interface Information Injector 1.5-87002-1-1-0-1716087827" - "JContainers SE-16495-4-1-13-1602690897" - "Jesus v6.1-20956-6-1-1640895006" - "Jump Behavior Overhaul SE-36889-1-5-1664007826" - "Just Blood-46501-1-2-1705578868" - "Keyword Item Distributor-55728-3-4-0-1710234193" - "Khajiit Merchants Buy Stolen Items SSE-38210-1-1-1594563948" - "LOD Unloading Bug Fix-61251-0-1-1642048241" - "Loading Screens With Extra Sarcasm SE-6386-2" - "Lore Friendly Custom Races - New Install Version-16067-1-3" - "MCM Helper SE-53000-1-3-0-1629918598" - "MILR - Loot reduction -Amulets Too-38127-1-11-1655860609.1" - "Marriage Without Amulet Of Mara_SSE-24007-1-0-1552060528.1" - "Maximum Carnage-43494-9-0-1715826114" - "Maximum Skeletons D-Won Edition-75307-2-0-1714251598" - "MergeMapper-74689-1-5-0-1683883576" - "MfgFix-11669-1-5-4-1592988142" - "More Blood-19602-1-0" - "More Interesting Loot Reborn SE 1.4.2-24458-1-4-2-1626239995" - "More Perk Points Per Level-7018-1-03" - "More Rewarding Thieving-9911-0-2" - "More to Say-22622-9-0-2-1676332853" - "Multiple Enchantments - Ordinator Patch-5267-1-3.1" - "NPC Mage Balance FIX - Eslfied - 0.5 to 1.0-107812-1-0-1703622762" - "Nazeem Respawns-62670-1-0-1643332042" - "No More Radial Blur - Performance Optimization-1265-1-1" - "No Spinning Death Animation-1432-1-31" - "NoStaggerMod v 1.0-16335-1-0" - "Object Categorization Framework-81469-5-6-1-1716511099" - "Offset Movement Animation-110408-1-0-1706538632" - "Open Animation Replacer-92109-2-3-4-1717116095" - "Ordinator 9.31.0-1137-9-31-0-1635693140" - "POISE - Stagger Overhaul - NG-72692-1-0-2-3-1673388129" - "POISE-72653-1-0-2-1661054246" - "Paired Animation Improvements-99621-1-0-2-1706671876" - "Papyrus Extender-22854-5-6-1-1690313666" - "PapyrusUtil SE - Scripting Utility Functions-13048-3-9-1580810594" - "Precision-72347-2-0-4-1674360214" - "Preset-116509-1-1712888146" - "Proving Honor Companions Quest Progression Fix-66128-1-0-0-1649323357" - "Punching Frenzy with leveled lists esm-esl version-79044-1-1ESL-1670249689" - "Purchaseable Store-Display-Items-36005-1-2-2-1636154506" - "Quest Reward Additions-92448-2-0-0-0-1687038019" - "Race Compatibility Dialogue SSE-17595-1-0" - "RaceCompatibilty All-In-One Scripted Installer-2853-2-16-1682448886" - "RaceMenu Special Edition v0-4-11-19080-0-4-11-1574392171" - "Random first person magic animation SSE with DAR v1.1-61188-1-1-1641566405" - "Reforging - To the Masses-49030-2-1-1619349008" - "Remove Screen FX-109606-v1-3-1705790527" - "Respawn - Death Overhaul-27546-v4-9a-1641713356" - "Rich Skyrim Merchants-1772-2-0" - "Royal Armory V2.2-6994-2-2" - "SE v4.91-4963-4-91" - "SPARTAN KICK SE-21223-1-05v-1542136616" - "SSE Display Tweaks-34705-0-5-16-1703410713" - "SSE FPS Stabilizer - FOMOD Installer-38438-1-1-12-1708117999" - "Shadow Wizard Money Gang Robes-93361-1-0-1686553754" - "Simple Dual Sheath for 1.5.39 - 1.6.353-50049-1-5-7-1702208576" - "Simple Perk Points SSE-27386-1-1-1563152142" - "SkyUI Weapons Pack SE 1.3-37231-1-3-1592760261" - "SkyUI_5_2_SE-12604-5-2SE" - "Skyforge Weapons - Reforged (1k)-54642-1-0-1630093151" - "SkyforgeWeaponReplacer-NordwarUA-110286-1-1-1706413566" - "Skyrim Cut Content Restoration v1.3.5-90744-1-3-5-1714433677" - "Skyrim Priority SE AE-50129-3-4-0-1675213326" - "Skyrim Reputation v2.4 English-22374-2-4-1577298115" - "Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)-30379-2-0-20-1633684151" - "Skyrim Spear Mechanic SE 3.0 DAR-25146-3-0-1592152122" - "Sound Record Distributor-77815-1-5-0-1708473851" - "Spell Crafting for Skryim-19697-2-0" - "Spell Hotbar - Thunderchild-110763-1-0-1706954034" - "Spell Hotbar - Apocalypse-110763-1-0-1709829548" - "Spell Hotbar-110763-0-1-2-1707758152" - "Spell Perk Item Distributor-36869-7-1-3-1713397024" - "Spells Knock Back-51384-1-0-1624118007" - "Stagger Direction Fix-SSE V2.02b-43339-v2-02b-1667534071" - "Staves of Skyrim Standard Port-68981-1-1-0-1662060139" - "Steelthorn Steel Weapon Replacer-58586-v1-1-1637108921" - "Summonable Sven and Nazeem v1.0-46548-1-0-1614900808" - "Survival Override System-111190-3-1707421570" - "SweetRollin-7562-" - "Sweetroll Fury-76667-2-1665183496" - "TABOO-8269-1-0" - "TK Children SE-5916-2-02-1599982490" - "TK Dodge SE-15309-3-18-1574502132" - "Talion DBVO Pack - Base Game and DLCs-91517-1-0-1-1684339283" - "Talion Patch - Immersive Speech Dialogue-91517-1-0-1704478472" - "Talion Patch - Immersive World Encounters-91517-1-0-1704478542" - "Talion Patch - More to Say-91517-1-0-1704491129" - "Testicular Torsion-104326-0-1-1-1699474396" - "Thane Weapons Reborn SE-8387-4-2" - "The Cleansing of the Creation Club - Pre-1.6.1130-106221-8-1708299326" - "The Paarthurnax Dilemma-365-2-0-1-1553759871" - "The Wizard Warrior-14890-5-0-1-1662986657" - "Thunderchild v411-1460-4-11SSE" - "Toxic Toss-108627-1-1704617618" - "Tree LODs with shadows-1885-1-3" - "True Directional Movement-51614-2-2-5-1698369428" - "TrueHUD-62775-1-1-8-1665279999" - "UIExtensions v1-2-0-17561-1-2-0" - "UKDS - Main Perk Version-35384-1-2-1591742308" - "UKDS - Main Spell Version-35384-3-1-1-1672632352.1" i know this require unofficial patch but it worked fine without it before - "UKDS - Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim - Spell Patch-35384-1-1-1591651487" - "Ultimate Combat SE-17196-3-5-1579966717" - "Unarmed Warfare - New Animations For Hand To Hand Combat - SSE Port-26753-1-0-1560961787" - "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch-266-4-3-1-1713394824" - "Vanargand Animations II - Female Idle Walk and Run-100000-1-1-1693937227" - "Vanargand Animations II - Male Idle Walk and Run-99999-1-0-1695014742" - "Vibrant Animated Armoury-58865-1-0-1637573911" - "Vibrant weapons-40087-1-0-1602087849" - "Wait Your Turn - Enemy Circling Behaviour-65091-1-0-3-1647651343" - "Wandering Merchants - Skyrim and Solstheim-64440-2-0-0-1715046253" - "WeaponizedNazeemnoIED-81447-1-1672135107" - "Whips Patch 01 - Accurate-81429-1-0-2-1714779432" - "XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended-1988-5-06-1707663131" - "YouShouldDownloadNOW-81305-1-0-1671918057" - "dMenu-97221-1-2-1-1692833188" - "eFPS - Exterior FPS boost-54907-2-4-2-1661953157" - "loweredhands-15380-1-1" - "powerofthree's Tweaks-51073-1-10-1-1718163295" - "trainwreck-106440-1-4-0-1704691660" - "x2-1251-Ultimate-1604115876" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alphafr Posted June 23, 2024 Share Posted June 23, 2024 (edited) You got trainwreck installed, does it open a txt file after the crash? Because it has a small section in it where it put a few stack trace that it deemed to be the probable crash source, not always helpful but it did helped me a few time MO2 give you any warning on the /!\ icon? Regarding missing master file? Edited June 23, 2024 by alphafr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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