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IS it really not possible to change a NPC faction during a combat scenario with another NPC?


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I changed a NPC Faction in order to get around the "Find and Use Weapon" Packages not working correctly. As he wasn't attacking the NPC regardless. instead i made a trigger to get him to attack Eddie and set him as essential so that he doesn't die and lock the player out of having him as a companion. whenever the player walks through the trigger he would attack Eddie and then the Faction will set in his Begin GameMode part of the script. But first i had to remove him from the powder ganger faction in order to get him to attack Eddie. Once Eddie died , i set my companion as essential through GameMode and set his faction back to powder ganger faction but however after he goes unconscious the Companion resets and the faction is recognized as being a powder ganger.


I was trying to get him to just kill and initiate conflict with Eddie only. But since they are all powder gangers including the companion i guess it wasn't possible? Of course i think it should be possible since finding the target (Eddie) should be relatively straight forward since he is always in his chair in Administration building. but then the companion would just freeze up and not do anything and finish the job so to speak.


Is there no way to make sure trhrough the package to kill eddie without having the other PG Guards and Scrambler going ape s#*! on the companion / NPC i made? I wanted to roleplay a power grab scenario with this Powder Ganger companion who wanted to seize control of the powder gangers for himself instead of Eddie. but i guess it just isn't possible? Or am i missing something?


now the way it works is a little disorientating since he will attack Eddie, go unconscious and resume his normal sandbox package i set up for him in NCRCF. Once that happens the player will be able to recruit him and a Powder Ganger companion and instead of Eddie he will be the new "leader" so to speak. to reform the Powder Ganger's (Eddie's Gang) into a more serious anti-NCR group. As he agrees with the ideal of Cooke of Vault 19 more then the ideals of Eddie but couldn't escape without the player finally pushing him over the edge to kill Eddie and take control for himself over the Powder Gangers (Eddie's Gang).

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