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NPC mod has set level to 35 - can it be changed (easily)?


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I have Laurana - The Fallen Princess ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27140 ) in my LO.  The author has set her level to 35, even though the min level is 0, and her max lvl is 150.  This can make it tough to bring her along, and she never levels up.  Is there any way to change this w/o CK?  I looked at her stats in xEdit, and can change her level to 0, but I can't simply remove the entry altogether, as far as I can determine.  Thanks!

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Yeah, it is a follower mod, don't know why author did the level set.  Will take a look in NFF to see.  Just tried setting the level to 0, and using disable - recycleactor - enable on her in the console, no change.  Thanks.

Edit - could only find ability to edit this NPC's stats in NFF, not allow auto-level w/player.

Edited by 7531Leonidas
tried advice
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Try this open console select your follower and write


setlevel 1000 0 1 150

For more detail 

- 1000 is your companion current lvl relative to yours in % (at 1000 it will be equal to you)

- 0 is the flat value lvl difference between you and the follower (if you want them to be always above, below or at your level)

- 1 is the min level they start with

- 150 will be the level cap


Took that from an old thread i used myself to keep my spouse companion usable in combat still

Edited by alphafr
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