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Having a dialogue issue with Alistair's companion quest. Help please!


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Okay so, Alistair gave me his quest to go and find his sister in Denerim. I travel there and go right by her door, this is where Alistair is suppose to go into dialogue about finding her house and asking me to go in with him. Instead of that conversation, it brings up the dialogue of when you give him his mother's necklace as a gift...I already gave it to him! I have noo idea what mod is messing this dialogue up or what to search for in my override to see if I have any conflicting mods.

If anyone knows what dialogue files I should look for, please let me know! Thank you.

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The dialogue file that contains the Denerim parts of 'Alistair's Family' is alistair_main.dlg (and there is a corresponding alistair_main.dlb, as well).

If you post a complete list of installed mods, I might be able to point out any obvious conflicts.

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Hi theskymoves!

I checked my override for those files and only one mod popped up that had those files but when I took it out and retried the dialogue again, he still talks about the necklace rather than talking about going into his sister's house. Dang it! 

I have over 600mods so I have no clue how to go about posting a list of them. You think if I took screenshots and posted them on a image site would work?

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A DAzip could include relevant files as well.

I'm not sure how you could easily list that many mods, other than listing them in a post or as you suggested, screenshots of the folders. (I keep a spreadsheet of installed mods, but I'm a crazy person and no-one else is that crazy, too.)

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Posted (edited)

Ohh, a spreadsheet would have been so much easier!

Hmm, I think it might be a DAzip mod. I tested this with an empty override folder ( was super scary loading up my save and my char's head was gone! 🤣) and the issue is still there.

I went ahead and took screenshots of my override folder and DAzips from the DAO: Mod Manager here.

There is a folder in my override that says Improved Atmosphere but it only has animations and things placed around the world in it, no dialogue fixes. 


Edit: Okay so, I did some testing with a character I already finished the game on. It seems to mess up the dialogue only when you give his mom's amulet as a gift before you go to meet his sister. This character didn't give him that gift yet when I had the save right before going towards her house and the dialogue he had with me was correct.  I have no clue what mod is making this happen. 🤔

Edited by Eppoku
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I'm about a quarter of the way through comparing and reviewing the list, and a couple of things are jumping  out at me.

It looks like the DAzip mod IRS-A (Improved Romance Scenes and Fixes - Alistair), and multiple override mods - ZDF, Dialogue and Approval System Overhaul, and the ARR Human Commoner override all use alistair_main.dlg/alistair_main.dlb. (There are other conflicts as well, since ZDF and Dialogue and Approval System Overhaul both use zevran_main.dlg/dlb; Zevran Romance Scenes and IRS-A requires a compatibility patch,etc.)

TBH, I'm not sure if that is something that can be fixed mid playthough... the Dialogue and Approval System Overhaul in particular is a mod I'm not familiar with (other than looking at the file names). Having any conflict between mods that affect dialogue and plot flags will usually result in Bad Things Happening, though.

I'm also a bit concerned by all those loose scripts (NCS) files in the root of your override...  can you identify what mod they are from? They send up a red flag for me, since they look like the sort of junk files that the toolset generates, which are game breaking. (The relevant files can show  up in the root of the override, in toolsetexport, and even in a new folder that the toolset creates.  So if you have been using the toolset at all, and haven't been cleaning up after it, that would be anoother place to look for a possible cause.

Also so far, I've been unable to identify several mods ( Hunter 1; Spirit Healer Trainer; 0011AA,; Alistair's Promise)

The ones I'd like to look at - to rule them out as problematic - are 0011AA, and  Alistair's Promise.


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Posted (edited)

Thank you so much for taking a look! I looked into the folder 0011AA and it just has some uti files that...I have no idea where they are from. Spirit Healer just adds a npc by Orzammar that can teach you the Specialization after a quest and Alistair's Promise is a mod that adds a promise ring that can be added by the console. Here's a screenshot that was in the folder of the item: https://gyazo.com/7b59f67cc8ac0405da1912ada1196359   

I don't see Hunter 1, do you mean Human Hunters in Dalish Origin TEST? If so, Those where just uti edits I did.

Human commoner I just use for the clothes and armor, I completely forgot I took all dialogue stuff out of it! I also looked into the ZDf -> Alistair folder and I did not see alistair_main.dlg/alistair_main.dlb so I must have removed them. I went and grabbed the ZRS-IRS patch, it looks like I downloaded it as some point but I don't see it anywhere so, better safe than sorry. Approval System Overhaul is also new to me but so far using it, it hasn't caused many issues and when I tested it on the one character where the dialogue was correct.

The ncs files tbh I have no idea where they are from. Should I just take them out of the folder?

Edited by Eppoku
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Hunter1 is a DAzip (in your DAzips-5 image.)

The Approval System Overhaul is overriding (replacing) the alistair_main files in the IRS-Alistair DAzip. That renders IRS-Alistair pointless in your install, since that file does (fixes, restored dialogue, and additional relationship content) can be accessed if those IRS-A files are ignored by the game.

The game won't function correctly with toolset junk files in play. Any time the toolset is used, it's important to make sure such files aren't left behind, and if they are, that they be deleted. (I would never use the toolset with my playable override folder active. I'd first  'remove' it - by changing the name to override.BAK. And then replace it with a manually created empty override folder, or one with just  the files (or copies of them) necessary for whatever project I was working on.

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Ahh okay I see now! Hm, clicking on Hunter 1 doesn't give a description when I click on it...so I don't really know what it is. Many of these mods I've had since I first started playing DAO so my memory of mods like this is very bad. I always tried to make sure to rename everything so I know what they are, guess I didn't with that one. 😅

I went ahead and took out the Approval System Overhaul mod since I rather have IRS instead. I also removed those ncs files from my override. Thank you so much for that info! I had no idea the toolset did that. Checked the toolsetexport folder for anything and it was empty. I will make sure to do that .bak thing to my actual override next time I load up the toolset!


Ugh, I might just restart my playthrough and make sure to not gift him his mom's amulet till after his companion quest. 😞

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