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Starfield PSA: SQ_FollowersScript does not release dead actors.

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Nearly every quest alias known to humankind that holds actors includes an OnDeath() handler removing the actor to release persistence and allow the game to scavenge corpses.

If you add followers via (pSQ_Followers as SQ_FollowersScript).SetRoleActive() be aware that it has no death handler so keeps dead followers in Alias_Active in perpetuity. You have to manually clean dead followers OnDying() or OnDeath() with a call to (pSQ_Followers as SQ_FollowersScript).SetRoleInactive()

For game object hygene and quests like UC06 and CF03 that wait/unwait followers using (pSQ_Followers as SQ_FollowersScript).GetFollowers() dont get stuck in endless loops trying to unwait dead followers.

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Thanks for the information, all the modders need to be aware of this.

I suppose you managed to get the script working so that an NPC follows you, right? I don't know why, but all my attempts have failed.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest deleted221970219

Thanks for the link.

Edited by Bagets
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