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Toolset - How to make Items for Awakening compatibility


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Do you want a different set of stats for Awakening (than in the base game?)... like the DLC items that spawn as more powerful versions in the expansion?

If so, that would require a second set of items, with the same names but your preferred DAA stats, and a way to add them to the game (console script, auto spawn, etc.).

There's no way to automatically update an existing/imported item with new stats for another module.

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no i wanted same stats but stronger, since everything in that expansion is a lot stronger.

Making a second set of items for awakening is not what i wanted to hear, but guess it will have to be. I was just hoping for a kind of tag that would engage the awakening scale, but guess they went the simple route when making awakening 😞

alright, ty for the info.

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Oh, do you just want items to be able to scale  to use the Awakening T8 and T9 materials?

Because if that is the case, all you need to to is use the material IDs like Armor, All Leather/Weapon, All Metal/Shield, All Wooden, etc.  The Awakening GDA for material scaling use the same IDs as DAO, but they also include  the T8 and T9 materials in the scaling range.

In other words, a sword that has the ID 43 'Weapon, All Metal' material scaling will scale using the full T1 (Iron) to T7 (Dragonbone) range in DAO, but in Awakening, the exact same weapon, with the same ID 43 material scaling , will scale further to T8 (White Metal) and T9 (Volcanic Aurum).

It might make more sense if you take a look at the Origins and Awakening material scaling GDAs (ts_material.GDA and ts_material_gxa.GDA) and cross reference them with the material types GDAs from each module (material_types.GDA and materialtypes_gxa.GDA). It's easy to see the new Awakening material tiers added to the range.

I apologize if that's still not what you are looking for or my explanation is unclear. ☹️

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yes that is already done, and it does scale to his "Material" Tier.

I meant the aditional stats that you add to the item, lets call it the bonus Stats.
For example in origins shield usually have a Bonus stats of "Defense" that can range from +3 to +6 Max
While in Awakening shields usually have a defense that goes from +12 to +15 (thats quite a difference from origins)

A good example of this Boost is the promotional item "Bulwark of the True King" that exists in both campaigns. altought it doesnt have a big boost (vs other item) it still has them.


But like you said, for this, it needs a 2nd ".uti" defining the stats.
I m investigating the "Bulwark of the True King" files, and looks like that was the route "bioware" went to have different stats in "

Edited by rjbarroso
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Right. The Bulwark of the True King item in DAO isn't the same item as the one in Awakening.

DAO version is prm000im_bulwarktk.uti

DAA version is prm000im_ep1_bulwarktk.uti

While they have the same name, they are entirely different items.

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