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Reference In Crosshairs?


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Is there a Papyrus command to do this (SKSE or otherwise)? I know you could in Oblivion.


Otherwise what would be the best way to get specific Actors, without actually knowing ahead of time (Followers)?


Basically want to do something when you look at someone and press a button, but the someone isn't necessarily known at compile time.



Edit: SKSE - Event OnCrosshairRefChange(ObjectReference ref)

Edited by Scarecrow23
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  • 3 months later...

You are on the right track with that.


use something like...


ObjectReference objFocus



Event OnInit()

RegisterForKey(42) ; L-Shift

Event OnCrosshairRefChange(ObjectReference ref)
objFocus = Ref ;remember what we're looking at


Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)

If (objFocus as Actor)
Debug.Trace("objFocus has the reference to the actor we're looking at when L-Shift pressed")

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