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Need help recovering fps


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Hey im having an issue where inside my frame rate is at 60 but when i head outside into Skyrim its always at half with 30 frames. I do have an ENB installed called MoonShadow. My gpu is an RTX GeForce 3060 with 8gb so I should be fine right? Here's the visual mods that replace textures in game with higher one. Northern Roads, Fabled Forests, Lanterns of Skyrim, CCQ's UHQ Mountains 2K, ELVaS (Enhanced Volumetric lightening and Shadows), Enhanced Lights and FX. Anyways those are the ones working outdoors. I do only have 16Gb of RAm but that shouldn't affect frame rate right? I've also used Bethini to try and get the frames back up but that changed nothing. I'd love it if any of you could shed some light on this and help me. I've had this issue repeatably with all my Skyrim se installs.

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Video card should be more than adequate.

Memory should be ~more-than adequate.

fyi, textures aren't the only mods that affect performance "in the wild". Also any mods that spawn new npcs and animals/monsters, (ex: immersive Creatures, Unlimited Hostile Creatures, any of those bandit expansions, etc),  any weather mods, and in general, (to cover any type I didn't mention) any mods that make the wild more active than its vanilla counterpart.

I'd also watch high personal inventory counts, as (for me) they seem to increase system sluggishness even just while wandering, not just when performing inventory checks or opening containers, but again...all with a grain of salt since I have no proof, just a feeling/conviction based on *my game experience (Having high load counts and having poor response, then dumping most of my inventory in a convenient player home storage container, and immediately seeing responsiveness increase... Multiple times too, so it's not a one off).

Also, make sure you're not overloading the various sampling regimes of the MCMs that employ them by setting update times too quickly. those checks are spent clock cycles and the more often they fire the more clutter in the stream. especially when many MCM checks (ie many different mods with check loops) overlap either other in time occasionally or even routinely

- paraphrasing the types of entries I'm talking about: "update <this MCM variable> every <N> clicks"

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there are several different SKSE mods out there that can help improve performance and fix bugs that could potentially be causing your frame drops... SSE Engine Fixes, for example... availability of said mods might limited by your version of skyrim, though I think SSEEF is compatible with all

second to that, depending on which outerworld location, some locations are more heavily affected than others, such as the Whiterun outskirts, and cannot truly be fixed, but can be mitigated with sufficient effort

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kk... a little more refinement, please... you have a few skse mods for performance increase, and only the mods you mentioned above? very light load order with BethINI tweaks... I'd imagine you use a mod manager, but which one isn't really relevant... your PC specs are easily sufficient to handle that setup, unless there're more mods impacting performance not mentioned... though I am curious when you say "but when i head outside into Skyrim its always at half with 30 frames"... is that a solid 30 fps, or are you just averaging it and it bounces all over?

I'm only speaking from experience, and my interpretation of your issue is limited to overworld lag... aside from bash/smash patches to minimize potential record conflicts, I'd suggest https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42161 and generate some grass cache and see if that helps

Edited by radiusrsatti
grammar nazi
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11 hours ago, radiusrsatti said:

kk... a little more refinement, please... you have a few skse mods for performance increase, and only the mods you mentioned above? very light load order with BethINI tweaks... I'd imagine you use a mod manager, but which one isn't really relevant... your PC specs are easily sufficient to handle that setup, unless there're more mods impacting performance not mentioned... though I am curious when you say "but when i head outside into Skyrim its always at half with 30 frames"... is that a solid 30 fps, or are you just averaging it and it bounces all over?

I'm only speaking from experience, and my interpretation of your issue is limited to overworld lag... aside from bash/smash patches to minimize potential record conflicts, I'd suggest https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42161 and generate some grass cache and see if that helps

When i go outside it usually stays around 30 frames. I also turned a lot of the update times in MCM up that that did give me around 40 frames outside now so that helped a bit. if i can help at all here's my load order for my current Skyrim im on AE and im up to date with everything.


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I don't know all the mods you use, but of the ones I recognize, I see nothing to indicate landscape overhauls/retexts or population density mods that would likely cause a lag issue, off-hand... 

you have multiple More Gold esps, only one is necessary, and the x5 being last overrides the other 2... if that matters to you... it's not game affecting in the stutter-sense, just clutters your load order

might wanna give LOOT a look at your load order, see what it says...

what mod manager do you use? if MO2, what I use, make sure your BethINI settings are copied into your MO2 profile settings, otherwise they don't get loaded into effect on your game... might apply to Vortex or others, I don't know

after that, I would recommend Bash or Smash patching to resolve record conflicts (not likely to fix fps/stutter issue, but can resolve level lists and such for item distribution, and other conflicts) and grass cache generation, as stated before

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39 minutes ago, radiusrsatti said:

I don't know all the mods you use, but of the ones I recognize, I see nothing to indicate landscape overhauls/retexts or population density mods that would likely cause a lag issue, off-hand... 

you have multiple More Gold esps, only one is necessary, and the x5 being last overrides the other 2... if that matters to you... it's not game affecting in the stutter-sense, just clutters your load order

might wanna give LOOT a look at your load order, see what it says...

what mod manager do you use? if MO2, what I use, make sure your BethINI settings are copied into your MO2 profile settings, otherwise they don't get loaded into effect on your game... might apply to Vortex or others, I don't know

after that, I would recommend Bash or Smash patching to resolve record conflicts (not likely to fix fps/stutter issue, but can resolve level lists and such for item distribution, and other conflicts) and grass cache generation, as stated before

Im using vortex as my mod loader always have I dont know how to to use MO2.

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LOOT is included in Vortex. You need not run it independently.

In fact, afaik you should not run Loot independently when using Vortex as your mod manager (as a general rule... "true" experts may differs on that, idk, (but since they're true experts, they can do a lot of things regular folk generally can't do on their own),  since the LOOT used by MO2 players is slightly different than that used by Vortex, and using its results can cause issues with Vortex managed games.

Please provide a full mod list if possible, to aid readers in helping you. (complete picture, so to speak)

Additionally, does the FPS outdoors vary, depending on your viewing direction (up, down N, S, E W) and location, or is it consistently hovering at 30FPS everywhere? Does it change when in 1st person vs 3rd person? Does it change on any reproducible behavior, and if so, which?

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