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7 Days To Die

Change Zombie Names?


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I downloaded Kreddyk's Enemy Health V1.0 mod that shows the zombie's names and health bar. Is there a way to change the zombie names to something else? My son plays with me and he's given names to everyone and I'd like to reflect that in the game.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Zombie Name will automatically displayed, when you have activated any  HP Bar,

but the names of all zombies, vehicles and all other items is writed in the Localization.txt .

Create this exactly.


create a folder with name you like ( expl.  ZombieName )


create a  ModInfo.xml file, without this file, mod will not working,

when you not can create a xml file then, create a txt file with any editors and change  .txt  through .xml

with the following content,  mus be exactly.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Name value="ZombieNames" /> <!-- No spaces allowed-->
    <DisplayName value="Zombie Zombies" />  <!-- Spaces allowed-->
    <Description value="Modifed names" />   <!-- Descripton of Mod, what ever you want-->
    <Author value="Authors Name" />    <!-- Authors Name -->
    <Version value="" />      <!-- Version Number only numbers and dots -->
    <Website value="" />       <!-- your web pages  when you have ->

save it.



create a  folder with the name Config place this in the folder ZombieName  (must be,  because xpath)


create a file with the name Localization.txt and place this in the Config folder


In this file you can change all names of the Zombies. Here an example. Line with the key it must be, because its the key. of the content

The example included  two languages more possible      english and german


key, source,content,english,german

zombieArlene,entityclasses,Entity,Arlene,Arlene     <<< vanilla line 

zombieArlene,entityclasses,Entity,Diana,Monika    <<< Modified line  name in english Diana and in german Monika 

each zombie needed a line

at last copy the folder  ZombieName  on this place

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\


for help you can ask  me again


Edited by AGRAgentRain
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