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Anyone can help with weapon UI freeze?


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The problem is there are certain weapons in game that if i pick them up and open my inventory, or a buy/sell menu, etc, the game will freeze and require a reset. Thus far the weapons that are causing it are any skyforge weapons, Ancient weapons the draugr drop, and now the Ebony Blade.

In SSEEdit there are no conflicts bar USEEP. I'm playing 1.6.640, and am using the USEEP version that was last updated on that version. The weapons themselves don't causes freezing in the game world, as in you will see their models fine without issue, even Quickloot has no issue, but the UI for some reason doesn't like them. Searching the internet and i'm surprised that this issue is specific to me. I have no mods that alter the meshes of the weapons, and the only UI mod that alters weapons is perhaps the BOOBIES icons, i dunno. I use Untarnished UI. I do play with over 1500 esps/esls.

I'll leave this here just in case someone knows the issue or has a similar issue.


Edited by jazzak25
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