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Elden Ring Seamless COOP crashing in Caelid


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So the coop has been going great for me and my friend but we just found a burning church with a burning wall next to it into Caelid and he hit the site of grace and once i went to the game crashed. Now every time it loads up I spawn in at the site of grace and the game crashes. We can't figure out what to do and how to play again?

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guys, the fix solution for me is, make a backup of that current save file - ER0000.co2 -, make a copy then change the format of your current save file to - ER0000.sl2 - , and start eldenring.exe, not the ersc launcher,
after that if your character somehow are falling through the ground and die over and over again, i suggest use https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/48 to make ur character noclip therefore flying and keep holding space / jump until ur above ground,after that disable noclip, then sit at a nearby grace to confirm ur last position are now above ground,
finally, change the " ER0000.sl2 " save file format back to " ER0000.co2 " and start elden ring from ersc launcher,
this fixes the loading crash for me because i think if the character is clipping underground and falling then dying over and over, the game just refuses you character existence,
hoping this helps some of you guys

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