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[Solved] Bad puppy didn't realize deleting objects was like making a mess on the floor... Learning X-edit

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Have recently become aware of the problems deleting objects cause. Been living under a rock for a while and missed this important detail in my old training videos... Currently learning how to use x-edit to clean up this mess, but having a hard time finding info on latest version. Have managed to clean a couple of my minor mods through dumb luck and old videos. Am looking to gain a better understanding of the tool before addressing larger and more complex issues in others... Any relative current info on version 4.1.5f, and how to use it to repair deleted objects  would be greatly appreciated. 

Edited by RangerBoyd
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From the xEdit download, run FO4EditQuickAutoClean.exe and load your mod into it. It'll automatically undelete & disable things you deleted and move them out of sight.

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Thanks for responding... When I do that, I get a message that says I need to manually repair the navmesh. A tricky process that I just learned how to do. After manual repairs xedit says mod is clean, but kit hands out a new batch of warnings lol... Took Piper to check out changes and she was completely lost. Dumped changes, and now the mod works again with warnings... Am lost at this point,  xedit is a great tool, and I have successfully cleaned navmeshes in another mod, so am sure I'm just overlooking something...Thanks again for your interest, will go back to poking and prodding now.          

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Depending on where a deleted navmesh is, you can simply ignore it. A deleted navmesh becomes a problem only when another mod then tries to edit the same navmesh, which will cause CTD.

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Wish I could ignore it. Mod has several locations, and the possibility for conflicts is a concern... Would it be possible to dump current meshes and start over? Understand original form ID must be transferred, is this a way forward?      Really appreciate your advice on this issue.

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Doesn't Look like it, but will try to reach her anyway... Just completed my third attempt and xedit says all squeaky clean. Neither game nor kit will start and run lol... Looks like this could be a lefty not talking to righty thing.        Thanks for info.     

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Unable to accept invite, didn't say why... Am making progress though, quick clean says clean after repair, but xedit check for errors reveals more issues. Currently looking at those.           Thanks for your help.     

Edited by RangerBoyd
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