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Weird texture glitch in fallout new Vegas


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After following Viva New Vegas, FNV Performance Guide, and New Vegas visual renewal, I have been getting this weird texture glitch with vanilla textures where there is this blue texture on objects inside a building but outside a building vanilla textures are white. Can anybody help?


"0000","+","Fixed ESMs"
"0002","+","More LOD for Wasteland Flora Overhaul"
"0003","+","LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE"
"0004","+","FNVLODGen Resources"
"0005","+","Trees LOD Billboards Vanilla"
"0006","+","Much Needed LOD"
"0007","+","Much Needed LOD fixed rocks color"
"0009","+","LOD Additions and Improvements - Billboard Fix"
"0010","+","FNV LOD Supplementation"
"0011","+","TCM's LOD Overhaul"
"0012","+","More LODs Additions and fixes"
"0013","+","Different LOD mods little tweaks and additions"
"0014","+","Tales Of the Wanted Lods"
"0015","+","LODIFY FNV Wall_SoGB Editon"
"0016","+","LOD Vertex Color Fixes"
"0017","+","Road LOD Kit"
"0018","+","VNV - LOD Patches"
"0019","+","Wasted LOD - Cliffs of Mojave"
"0021","+","JIP LN NVSE Plugin"
"0022","+","JIP LN Settings INI"
"0023","+","JohnnyGuitar NVSE"
"0024","+","All Tweaks Preset"
"0026","+","ShowOff xNVSE"
"0027","+","ShowOff INI"
"0028","+","Texture Modding Preset"
"0031","+","Shader Loader - NVSE"
"0033","+","Basic Console Autocomplete"
"0034","+","Console Paste"
"0035","+","Improved Console"
"0036","+","UIO - User Interface Organizer"
"0037","+","Crash Logger"
"0038","-","ML Utilities Checker"
"0039","+","Just Assorted Mods"
"0041","+","SUP NVSE Plugin"
"0042","+","The Mod Configuration Menu"
"0043","+","Bug Fixes_separator"
"0044","+","Improved Lighting Shaders"
"0045","+","Iron Sights Aligned"
"0046","+","skined mesh improvement mod"
"0047","+","PipBoyOn Node Fixes SMIM"
"0048","+","ExRB - Extended Roombounds"
"0049","+","YUP - Base Game and All DLC"
"0050","+","Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus"
"0051","+","Navmesh Overhaul"
"0052","+","Stewie Tweaks"
"0053","+","Stewie Tweaks - VNV INI"
"0054","+","Engine Optimizations"
"0055","+","Faster Start Menu"
"0056","+","Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE"
"0057","+","Fast Weapon Lag Fix"
"0058","+","VATS Lag Fix"
"0061","+","Slideshow FOV Fix"
"0062","+","Swiming Creatures Fix"
"0063","+","Strip Lights Region Fix"
"0064","+","Depth of Field Fix"
"0065","+","Exterior Emittance Fix"
"0066","+","Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks"
"0067","+","Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix"
"0069","+","ActorCause Save Bloat Fix"
"0070","+","Elijah Missing Distortion Fix"
"0071","+","Assorted Voice Popping Fixes"
"0072","+","3rd Person Animation Fixpack"
"0073","+","Fog-based Object Culling"
"0074","+","Climate Control NVSE"
"0075","+","Pip-Boy Shading Fix"
"0076","+","Doc Mitchell's Window Sunlight Fix"
"0079","+","New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod"
"0080","+","Vanilla Weapon Scale Fix"
"0082","+","M.U.X. Series - OX Toolkit"
"0084","+","Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - FNV - YUP"
"0085","+","Compatibility INI for ALT"
"0086","+","High Res Local Maps"
"0087","+","High Resolution Water Fog"
"0088","+","High Resolution Bloom"
"0089","+","High Resolution Screens"
"0090","+","Real Time Reflections"
"0091","+","Real Time Reflections - INI"
"0092","+","Windows Ambient Light at Night"
"0093","-","TTW - Robco Lights"
"0094","+","Lumen 2.0"
"0095","+","NV - Energy Visuals Plus 2 - (STABLE)"
"0096","+","NVVR-Renovation-Meshes and Animations_separator"
"0097","+","Animated Train"
"0098","+","Animated marquee"
"0099","+","Wild wasteland v2 all fixed"
"0100","+","Volare Complete quest and the boomers will be using it"
"0101","+","Animated Clothing (Ashens2014)"
"0102","+","dead money starletdress"
"0103","+","FNV - Combat ranger animated overcoat - subtle"
"0104","+","sunset sarsaparilla Mayhem"
"0105","+","Wacky decoration Collection with a bit more"
"0106","+","Animated Analog clock"
"0108","+","Cut mail box use animation"
"0109","+","Animated Palm Trees - Only Top Leaves"
"0110","+","Animated Bushes"
"0111","+","Animated Camp Golf flags"
"0112","+","Animated Chip Poles with Red Light orbs"
"0113","+","Fallout Flag Animation Overhaul"
"0115","+","Poseidon gas station sign"
"0116","+","Animated Barbed Wire"
"0117","+","Animated vault 22 Foliage"
"0118","+","Animated sorrows Shacks (7z)"
"0119","+","Awnings of Vegas"
"0121","+","Updates- Main - Barrel and generator now have collision mesh"
"0122","+","Animated Utility Poles (Ashens2014)"
"0123","+","Animated Rivet City Stands"
"0124","+","Animated Ranch house Panels - Now with sounds and Anim update"
"0125","+","Animated Wasteland Trees (recommended)"
"0127","+","Fixes Molten Texture path"
"0128","+","Animated urban Buildings"
"0129","+","Animated Khan Assets (recommended)"
"0130","+","Animated Maize Fields Minor Change"
"0131","+","Raider Dressings Animated"
"0132","+","Animated Free side Wire pack - Faster"
"0133","+","Animated Park Equipment Pack"
"0134","+","Animated tents - Main"
"0135","+","Animated Decorations"
"0136","+","Animated Pylon Wires Recommended"
"0137","+","Animated Fans"
"0138","+","New Vegas Palm Trees Enhanced"
"0139","+","Freeside Neon Sign Fix"
"0140","+","Higher Poly Rocks"
"0141","+","Remastered Quarries 2K - 1K Mix (Authors Choice)"
"0142","+","B42 Inject"
"0143","+","NVVR-Renovation-Tier 1_separator"
"0144","+","Landscape Texture Improvements"
"0145","+","Wasteland Flora Overhaul - Fertile Version"
"0146","+","Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul Patch"
"0147","+","NMCs Textures NV SMALL Pack SINGLE FILE FOR NMM"
"0148","+","NMC New Vegas Patch for ALL Sized packs"
"0150","+","Poco Bueno Hi Res GS Watertank"
"0151","+","Fallout 3 HD Overhaul"
"0152","+","4K-2K Anchorage Snowscape"
"0154","+","Nut Vegas - Nutscapes Medium"
"0155","+","Parallax series -- Rocks variety"
"0156","+","Textures 4k uncompressed and LOD"
"0157","+","Inviting Vaults"
"0158","+","Better Grass"
"0160","+","6IXES Clutter Texture Pack NV Edition"
"0161","+","Semi-transparent Door Glass"
"0162","+","Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ Meshes Enhanced"
"0163","+","Forgotten Desk Textures"
"0164","+","Blackwolf24s Final HD Clutter PACK"
"0165","+","NVVR-Renovation-Physically Based_separator"
"0166","+","Physically Based Beverages"
"0167","+","Physically Based Chems"
"0168","+","Physically Based Parkware"
"0169","+","Physically Based Collection"
"0170","+","Physically Based Collection 2"
"0171","+","Physically Based Wood Crates"
"0172","+","Physically Based Kitchenware"
"0173","+","NVVR-Renovation-TIER 3_separator"
"0174","+","NillaPlus Crate Expectations 2K"
"0175","+","HD gnome now with added evil gnome"
"0176","+","High Quality Picket Fences"
"0177","+","NV Playing Cards HD Retexture"
"0178","+","Resplendent Rugs"
"0179","+","Gun Runners Kiosk Glass Fix"
"0180","+","Novac Sign Animated - Version 2"
"0181","+","Dinky Dino toy Re-texture"
"0182","+","Dinky the Deluxe Dinosaur - Definitive Dinky Retexture"
"0183","+","NCR Flag Retex 1.1"
"0184","+","Better Benches - Workbenches Retextured v1.1 (Glossiness fix)"
"0186","+","PM's HD Ammo Boxes - 2K Diffuse 1K Normals"
"0187","+","NVVR-Renovation-Tier 4_separator"
"0189","+","Quantum Pools of Muck"
"0190","+","Elegant Lockpick Interface"
"0191","+","Fractal Crystals"
"0192","+","F4NV Repconn Souvenir Rocket"
"0193","+","HD Currencies"
"0194","+","00 - Pool Items"
"0195","+","Old Old Glory (2K)"
"0196","+","Coffee Kettle - Clean - 2k"
"0197","+","F4NV Auto Doc Cart Version"
"0198","+","Sunset Sars. Replacer"
"0199","+","EdibleGrenade12's New Sunset Sarsaparilla Vending Machine Replacer Script Runner"
"0200","+","Audley's Misc Textures"
"0201","+","Stealthly StealthBoy Retexture"
"0202","+","Wonderful WonderGlue"
"0203","+","Grass Remesh"
"0204","+","NVVR-Renovation-Tier 5_separator"
"0205","+","Street Signs HD"
"0206","+","HD Signs Overhaul Part 2"
"0207","+","HD Signs Part 3"
"0208","+","Sharecropper Sign"
"0209","+","Clinic Sign"
"0210","+","Cottonwood Cove Sign 2K"
"0211","+","Graffitti version"
"0212","+","Honest Hearts Signs HD"
"0213","+","F4NV Billboards"
"0214","+","Hi Res Posters"
"0216","+","Various Signs HD"
"0217","+","Freeside Signs"
"0218","+","Casino Posters and Signs HD"
"0219","+","Honest Hearts Graffiti Redone"
"0220","+","EXE FULL RES V2 -LATEST"
"0221","+","NVVR-Renovation-The GOATs_separator"
"0222","+","Vanilla Graffiti Redone - Grime Version"
"0223","+","Great Khan Graffiti Redone"
"0224","+","Dead Money Graffiti Redone"
"0225","+","NillaPlus Howitz Going Artillery 4K-2K base mod"
"0226","+","NillaPlus Wood - Vanilla Upscaled 2K"
"0227","+","NillaPlus Maximum Moon 1K"
"0228","+","Shot up Signs. Version 2"
"0229","+","Vault Doors 4k"
"0230","+","NillaPlus Mirror Mirror for RTR - 2K"
"0232","+","Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK"
"0233","+","FNV Adamowicz Vault Suits"
"0234","+","Wanderer Outfit 2k Upscale"
"0235","+","More Hat"
"0236","+","Heaviin's Desperado Cowboyhat Retextured"
"0238","+","PM's HD Legion Overhaul - 2K"
"0239","+","PM's HD Ranger Outfits - 2K"
"0240","+","Physically Based Rangers"
"0241","+","Assorted Legion Armor Retexture - 2k"
"0242","+","Assorted NCR Armor Retexture - 2k"
"0243","+","Assorted Leather Armor Retexture - 2k"
"0244","+","wastehound helmet 2k"
"0245","+","Power Armor Visual Enhancement 2K"
"0246","+","Lucky Authority Glasses ESPLess"
"0248","-","NivSpiceofLife-V 1_2"
"0249","-","S6S Spice of Life Plugin Redux"
"0250","-","Spice Config"
"0251","+","Classic Fallout 2 combat armor High resolution"
"0252","+","Fallout 2 combat armor mark II (green textures) v1.0.0.3"
"0253","+","Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux FNV"
"0254","+","Classic Fallout Metal Armor - NVSE Replacer"
"0255","+","Classic Fallout 2 Metal Armor MKII"
"0257","+","Pip-Boy 2500A v2 (Armband)"
"0258","+","Clean Pip-Boy 2022"
"0259","+","Configurable Pip-Boy Light Color (No Plugin)"
"0261","+","WTH - Weapon Textures from Heaven 2k"
"0262","+","DKS and friends"
"0263","+","Shovel and friend"
"0266","+","Weapon Retexture from EVE"
"0267","+","WWP Gauss Rifle - MAIN FILE"
"0268","+","WWP Gauss Rifle - YUP"
"0271","+","Improved Heavy Weapons Textures 1.5"
"0272","+","Laser RCW red glow"
"0273","+","Nail Gun Re-Texture"
"0274","+","Holorifle Re-Projected 1.0"
"0276","+","Another Weapon Retexture Project"
"0277","+","1.02 Hotfix 1"
"0278","+","YUP Patch"
"0279","+","NVVR-Agression-Weapon Adjacent_separator"
"0281","+","Ash Piles"
"0282","+","Atomization Restored"
"0283","+","Enhanced Blood Textures"
"0284","+","Bullet Trails"
"0285","+","PSRO - Peripheral Scope Reticle Overhaul"
"0286","+","Kyu's Ballistics Fixed"
"0287","+","NVVR-Agression-Weapon Add-Ons_separator"
"0289","+","AK 47"
"0293","+","Hit - Millenia Animations - Part 2"
"0294","+","Hit - Lewis Gun Anims"
"0295","+","Weapon Based Hands Clip Distance"
"0296","+","Sound Extender"
"0297","+","Remade kNVSE Animation Set - Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle"
"0298","+","Another Millenia"
"0299","+","Another Millenia Shop Add-on NV"
"0300","+","Another Millenia Gun Add-on"
"0302","+","Tesla Weapons Pack - Old World Blues File"
"0303","+","Tesla Weapons Pack Unofficial Patch"
"0304","+","Photon Laser Weapon Pack Animations"
"0306","+","Atomic Weapons"
"0307","+","AWO LL - SPAS-12 (updated LL)"
"0309","+","Camon Pack Complete"
"0311","+","FNV Anim Set - M1887"
"0312","+","VIP - Shotguns"
"0313","+","ZL Armaments Remastered"
"0314","+","Project Nevada Legacy - Tesla Rifle Prototype"
"0315","+","Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered"
"0316","+","Physically Based Plasma Rifles"
"0318","+","Anniversary Anim Pack"
"0319","+","New sprint animations for JAM 1.1"
"0320","+","B42 Loot"
"0321","+","B42 Interact"
"0322","+","Reforged Platinum Chip"
"0324","+","Blended Locomotion"
"0325","+","1. Butcher Pete Complete - A Melee Animation Overhaul (Hitman Locomotion)"
"0326","+","1. Wasteland Warrior - A Melee Animation Overhaul (Hitman Locomotion)"
"0327","+","New Vegas Animation Overhaul Guns"
"0328","+","FNV Clean Animations - C4 and Bottlecap Mine"
"0330","+","Desert Natural Creatures"
"0331","+","aMidianBorn NV Superb Mutants"
"0332","+","Horrors of The New West"
"0333","+","Classic-esque Deathclaw Retexture"
"0334","+","Menace of The New West"
"0335","+","Mojave Bighorners"
"0336","+","Glowing Cazadors and Retexture"
"0337","+","Improved Robots Textures - All in One"
"0338","+","Securitrons On Alert"
"0339","+","Securitrons Lip Sync"
"0342","+","Decaying Ferals"
"0344","+","Eyes of Torment - Ghost People Retexture"
"0345","+","Earthblighted Tunnelers"
"0347","+","Another Ghoul Variation Mod FNV"
"0348","+","NVVR-Interaction-Basline UI Improvement_separator"
"0349","+","Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)"
"0351","+","Cursor Unilaterially Matched (NVSE) - Vanilla"
"0352","+","Clean Vanilla Hud"
"0354","+","ySI - Sorting Icons"
"0355","+","Clean Companion Wheel 256x256 Edition"
"0356","+","Vault Boy Paper Doll"
"0357","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Framework Plugin"
"0358","+","1. Consistent Pip-boy Icons"
"0359","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Apparel"
"0360","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - DLC's Items"
"0361","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Items"
"0362","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Reputation"
"0363","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Weapons"
"0364","+","3. CPI - Mod Patches"
"0365","+","Weapon Hotkey Icons"
"0366","+","Map Marker Icons"
"0367","+","Simple Maps"
"0368","+","NVVR-Interact-Finishing Touches_separator"
"0369","+","Main And Pause Menus Overhaul"
"0370","+","Simple Cursor (BIG)"
"0371","+","Roulette Loadwheel"
"0373","-","BulletSnap - Redux - espless 1.2"
"0374","-","BSR - CFWR Patch"
"0375","+","Event Sounds"
"0376","+","Aim Down Sites - Backpack - Jump Impact sound Effects"
"0377","+","sound addon_separator"
"0378","+","Project Reality Footsteps FNV"
"0379","+","Immersive Pickup Sounds Patched"
"0380","+","sound weapon_separator"
"0382","+","main menu video"
"0383","+","Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix"
"0385","+","Dusty Distance Redone"
"0386","+","Simple Fog Remover"
"0387","+","General Lighting Overhaul"
"0388","+","Natural Interiors"
"0389","+","Desert Natural Weathers NV"
"0390","+","Neutral Weathers - New Vegas"
"0393","-","The Strip_separator"
"0394","+","Simple Open Strip"
"0395","+","Simple Open Freeside"
"0396","+","Casino Crowds"
"0397","+","LightBright Strip Overhaul"
"0398","+","FNVLODGen Output"

Mods not on the list:


Epic game patcher

FNV BSA decompressor

New Vegas heap replacer


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