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Premium billing is broken? ..at least for some uf us.


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This topic has been brought up before but not resolved and i just post here because in an post on the same topic a Nexus Mod stated that the problem is on the consumer side and thats just not the truth:

When i try to subscripe to premium the following happens:

I enter Credit Card details -> i get forwarded to my banks ID Check -> i successfully complete the ID Check -> i get send back to Nexus Payment Site -> i Press the Payment button -> Red Box tells me my bank didnt approve the transaction

i replicated the exact same outcome with:

- 2 of my own Credit Cards from 2 different Banks

- 1 Credit Card owned by a friend of mine

- Credit Card Payment via Paypal

- i tried all 3 Cards in 3 different Brwosers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)

- i tried 2 Cards via Android Phone

- i tried all of the above with my 2 Cards registered to Gpay and processed payment via Gpay


All of the 3 Used Credit Cards have been proven working perfectly fine for online purchases and and one card already was used to pay for premium last winter AND i talked to my bank if anything isnt fine with my card. 

Its your payment system that isnt working properly.



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The reason they usually say that it's "on the consumer side" is that once you're sent to your bank all Nexus gets is a "it worked/it didn't work" notification and that's pretty hard to screw up.  So, usually the issue is between you and your bank or between your bank and the payment processor and there's not much Nexus Mods can do about that.

It's hard to imagine why you're having so much trouble, though.  Unless you or your bank are located in Russia.  The current sanctions mean that it is literally illegal for them to accept payments from Russia right now.

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2 hours ago, showler said:

The reason they usually say that it's "on the consumer side" is that once you're sent to your bank all Nexus gets is a "it worked/it didn't work" notification and that's pretty hard to screw up.  So, usually the issue is between you and your bank or between your bank and the payment processor and there's not much Nexus Mods can do about that.

It's hard to imagine why you're having so much trouble, though.  Unless you or your bank are located in Russia.  The current sanctions mean that it is literally illegal for them to accept payments from Russia right now.

Just for completions sake: i´m located in Germany.

I mean its true that Nexus isnt the problem here, its the company they pay to let us pay that doesnt do their job here. Something must have changed cause like i said: i was subscribed to nexus a few months ago with no problem.

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The error message you describe indicates that your bank is denying the payment. Please contact your payment provider.

It's also possible that browser addons or privacy settings are breaking the form and making the payment widget untrusting of your traffic. 

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On 7/14/2024 at 10:58 AM, Pickysaurus said:

The error message you describe indicates that your bank is denying the payment. Please contact your payment provider.

It's also possible that browser addons or privacy settings are breaking the form and making the payment widget untrusting of your traffic. 

Have you even read what i wrote? The error message is phenomenal BS.

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On 7/14/2024 at 3:58 AM, Pickysaurus said:

It's also possible that browser addons or privacy settings are breaking the form and making the payment widget untrusting of your traffic. 

@Abs3nz ↑ Don't ignore this part either. 

I use NoScript and uBlock Origin in Firefox, and can have this problem with online payments myself on various websites.  I often have to turn either or both off in the affected tab, or set the payment co's domains to Trusted in NoScript, for payments to work.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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20 hours ago, Abs3nz said:

Have you even read what i wrote? The error message is phenomenal BS.

I've unlocked this topic as I think this could have been handled a lot better (from our end), so I'm going to provide an example of how I would have handled this better.

First of all, thank you for even considering to support us, I appreciate it (even if it seems like from the first response that we don't - we do). I'm trying to instil in our community team a sense of "starting off on the right foot" and, well, being nice to our users (especially those wanting to help to support us) until such point as our users stop being nice to us. I think we failed in that here. I'm particularly bad at this at times, but that's normally when users are being extremely rude or unreasonable from the offset. Your OP wasn't rude or unreasonable so there was no reason not to be nice.

To get to the topic at hand, there are a lot of reasons why this could not be working and, unfortunately, a lot of them are going to not only be completely out of our hands but also outside of our "vision" to be able to see what it is going on. As in, the error could be somewhere with our payment processor or with your bank, but we won't be able to see the reason because these systems work by "security through obscurity". They don't want us to know why transactions are failing because we might notice patterns in how their security works and they can conceive threats from that.

I have been able to look up your failed transactions and the multiple different attempts you have made and, as suspected, the only error we get given for the transaction failing is: 


That's all we've got to go off, which is why the error message we give you is equally "useless" for helping you to diagnose the issue. The only way we'd be able to find out for sure is by somehow finding out from your bank the reason why it was declined, which we can't do as we have no way of knowing the who/what/where of your bank.

Possible reasons could include that you are from a sanctioned country which the UK cannot trade with (i.e. Russia, Iran, NK, etc.), which I think is probably unlikely as you'd know about these sanctions, or that your bank(s) have extremely high levels of card security and somewhere along the line, our processor is failing one of your bank's security checks. Our payment processor is Paddle (https://www.paddle.com/), who are a fairly major international payment processor, so please feel free to do your own research and see if other people in your area or who use your bank have issues using this payment processor.

I can see how many times you've attempted to get this membership so I can tell you're really keen to get it, but unfortunately, we really are hand-tied on this one and cannot help you further. While this probably isn't what you want to hear, I hope this at least explains why the error message is so vague and why we can't help you any further on it. It's literally completely outside of our power to resolve.

Edit: we have contacted our representatives at Paddle to see if they can tell us anything more but I wouldn't hold out hope. I'd be pleasantly surprised if they could give us more and I shall update you in private if I do hear anything pertinent.

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