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Issues with lod grass in front of Bleak Falls Barrow


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I looked this up and could not find anything similar reported but I have some ugly  grass lods in front of Bleak Falls. I removed DynDOLOD so that's not where they're from. I'm using ze Grass Patch 2.

I'm not able to select them with console, I click on whatever is behind them so I thought it was lod; I might be wrong.
I already have grass cache with no grass in objects, which is why I'm lost.



Edited by supersnakelx
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lods aren't loaded at close distance... open console and see if you can get a formID by clicking on them... if so, it should also tell you originating mod and last editing mod... short of manually cleaning and removing offending instances, you can use disable to remove individual objects like this... 2nd option, and possibly best, would be to generate grass cache with https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42161 No Grass in Objects... it does ray tracing on your load order, prevents grasses growing through invalid objects such as rocks and other detritus added by mods... also, if you go that route, generate with your dyndolod active as that will generally be the final overwrite for landscapes

Edited by radiusrsatti
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Thanks for the reply!
I'm not able to select them with console, I click on whatever is behind them so I thought it was lod; I might be wrong.
I already have grass cache with no grass in objects, which is why I'm lost.

I should have included this info in OP, sorry.

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