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Converting to esm isn't working?

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Please help me out here, Bethesda / modders elsewhere have been unable to assist me.

I am simply trying to convert my esp to esm for use. I click to convert to a "full master", it creates an empty esm, as well as emptying my esp (I have to save after to ensure it does not completely delete its contents).

So what am I doing wrong here? Why does the esm not transfer the data, or am I missing something in the conversion process?

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  • 2 months later...

I've got exactly the same problem.

First of all though, you shouldn't be converting to "full master", since that is a type that is meant for very large mods (think Shattered Space). If it's a small mod, you should use "small master". 

Secondly, the only workaround I found until now is using xEdit to convert my ESP to en ESM. Hope that helps you out.

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