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Roombound Issue - Objects not Displaying


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I'm using roombounds and portals in my interior cell, but I'm having an issue with some objects not displaying.

This is a house mod and so I've made several static objects from non-static game objects. This has worked well for 95% of the items. However, I am struggling to get the following static objects to display in my roombounds, when using their original nifs:

- Clutter\QuestItems\severeddeathclawclaw.NIF

- armor\enclavescientist\go.nif

- armor\vaultsuit\m\go.nif

For an example see attached photos, showing:

1. my static deathclaw hand in the bucket alongside a copy of the original game object Editor ID: NVDLC04DeathclawHandUnique

2. only the original game object displaying in game

3. the static deathclaw hand displaying when I leave the roombound (note: you can also see the affected static vault suits and rad suit in the background with the same issue)

Some things to add which may be useful:

- When I delete the roombounds there are no issues, all the items display correctly, but obviously a performance hit which I want to avoid

- I've read about objects not displaying if their centre point is outside of the roombound. This is not the case here as the problem persists when I move the object dead centre into the roombound

- Could this be something to do with the meshes having physics? Dropped apparel and the deathclaw hand both have physics and bend/move when interacted with in the world

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!




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As I suspected, it was to do with the objects that have physics in the game world. Which I have now learned is called "bones", for whatever reason if you turn these nifs into static objects when using roombounds they will not display in your cell. 

The workflow I used was.. open the original nif in nifskope > delete the bones > export as an .obj > import the .obj into outfit studio > export as nif

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