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ZoofyZoof - Formal Warning Issued

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Formal Warning Issued - ZoofyZoof

ZoofyZoof has received a formal warning for violating our community rules.


Belittling and criticising other members' contents solely based on personal dislikes
Entitled behaviour

Comment excerpts:
- It's depressing to me that the creator thinks they're even doing a good job here
- This mod is essentially clickbait
- Useless
- I am not impressed at all
- The walking animation while holding a mace is also terrible as well
- There's zero logical reason why this shouldn't work in first person
- It makes absolutely no sense to make a mod exclusively for third person
- I just want a mod that makes those sliders in RaceMenu actually do something.

Entire comments (wall of text):
04 June 2024, 11:52PM
I don't have any idea why you would want them to look different.  I expected more realistic faces, more realistic proportions, etc... I did not expect their entire identity to be changed.  That doesn't even make any sense. It's depressing to me that the creator thinks they're even doing a good job here to the point where they're feeling cocky enough to try to make fun of me. They're not. They're not making any faces realistic, they're changing them completely and some look genuinely awful. This mod is essentially clickbait.

08 June 2024, 7:44PM
Mod doesn't work in first person whatsoever. Useless.  This would've been a big help if it had the option to be used in first person.

10 June 2024, 5:23AM
I'm aware it says third person, and that's completely irrelevant.  There's no reason it shouldn't work in first person as well, it would be an incredibly helpful mod if it did.  It should be an option.

12 June 2024, 11:22PM
I am not impressed at all... These animations are very stiff and unnatural feeling.  Maces are held too close to the screen so they appear massive for no reason. The walking animation while holding a mace is also terrible as well. Attacking with a shield equipped makes the shield move around way too much, and it occasionally blocks the player's view. Some animations also have the player character's arm phase through the camera, so the player can see inside of their arm.  Greatsword animations are glitched and like to shoot up to the top of the screen as well. It happens often so I'm not sure how this was missed.  Very underwhelming animations all around...

13 June 2024, 4:30AM
I really like what you've done BUT... I'm a little disappointed with a few things.  Some weapons have an all new look. That's cool and all, but... you made them so different they're pretty much unrecognizable from their original counterpart. Like Molag Bal's mace. That thing is supposed to be huge, menacing, evil looking, and you made it tiny. And for some other weapons, you didn't really make them different at all... you just made them smaller which is kinda lame.  Like I said to start with, I really do like this mod, but I cannot help but feel more should be done.

16 June 2024, 11:43PM
It would clear up a lot of confusion if the requirements section was moved up near the top of the page.  It's unrealistic to expect people to actually scan the entire page and look at everything that's there. With every mod I ever plan to download, I only ever skim around the top of the page, because in theory, that should contain all the necessary information. If something important isn't stated near the top, I'm not going to see/read it.  Not only that, but it also makes zero sense that these files aren't bundled together with each other. Why do I have to download them separately? It doesn't make any sense and again creates confusion. The download files' descriptions also don't detail you need the latter for the former to work.

16 June 2024, 11:45PM
I'm yapping facts. There's zero logical reason why this shouldn't work in first person. The concept, the idea, it's centered around Third Person so that aiming with a bow should be easier, yes - but the fact that it doesn't function AT ALL in first person makes zero sense and is unreasonable.  There's simply no reason why it should not work in first person.  Personally, I don't even understand why people love third person so much. If first person is an option, I'm choosing it almost guaranteed.

20 June 2024, 5:06PM It makes absolutely no sense to make a mod exclusively for third person and have zero functionality in first person (unless it's something camera or movement related like true third person movement)  That's just straight up illogical, and you simply can't tell me otherwise.  This is one of the reasons I hate Skyrim's modding community. I hate all these people who forget first person exists. The game's been out for like 10 years, and what do we have to show for first person? Virtually nothing. I've only found three re-animation mods for first person: one for bows, one for two-handed weapons (which requires 105 FOV to be seen properly, I play with 85 so the animations look bad), and the last is for all weapons - cfpao - and that mod is unfinished, has issues, and is completely untested with shields in mind (and torches). I don't understand why so many modders give so much attention to an objectively inferior playstyle. Third Person is objectively worse than first person and I will never get over the fact that first person mods basically don't exist.  This mod would have been a huge help in first person, but no, zero functionality.

21 June 2024, 8:06PM
I really don't like porn mods at all. The only thing I want to know is what lets you increase the breast size as shown in the pictures.  When I do it via race menu, literally nothing happens.

12 July 2024, 2:13AM
The only thing I want to do is have a slider that increases breast size and a slider that increases ass size.  I don't want these oversexualized mods in my game. I really don't.  I just want a mod that makes those sliders in RaceMenu actually do something. I just want my character to look attractive, not look like something I'd see in porn.

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Warning issued by zcul. This user has now received a total of 1 formal warning(s).

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