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i cant be the only one that's surprised we don't have any awesome DBD content right? we need the representation! 

adds a hook in each hold along with totems. similar to Boethia quest lure a sad sap to the hook and sacrifice them to the entity.. doing this the hook will fall, and once the hooks have all been activated the entity open a portal to lure you into the realm. if entering the realm by the hook way, you'll already have a chance to join the killers and enter trials to hunt the poor survivors. 

if you instead choose to cleanse the totems you'll upset the entity and you will be pulled in and thrown in with the survivors to deal with a killer each trial. you will have a seal placed on you so health, powers healing spells are all very limited and weapons are taken and placed in a chest for later so you will have to suffer the trials like everyone else. 

but you whichever way you choose you have a chance to disrupt the realm! either help the killers or the survivors to rebel against the entity and escape the trials and explore of the realm. maybe with the assistance of Hermaus and the Narrator that was in the towers could open up a path for a third way to go about the quest. id imagine the Daedric princess would take a interest in the entity especially Hircine and Boethia. complete the quest have a chance to interact with favorite survivors and killers and get cool equipment! best part the trials can all be reset so the quest can be replayed by either using the hooks or totems or Daedric prince? 


Lore friendly addition, 

Boeithia and Hircine create this realm where Daedric princes send Champions and creatures to hunt survivors both willing and unwillingly dragged into the trials. in this nightmare dream like sequence you will have to run around solving puzzles to get into specific areas to cleanse skull of corruption relics spread around the maps while dodging the chosen deadly killer of that realm. 

if you choose to represent as a killer then you will hunt down the survivors and sacrifice them onto the Boethia version of sacrificial pillars. 

why these two daedric princess? the realm is a dream like place constantly feeding Boethia while Hircine enjoys his hunts. could probably add in Namira somehow since she's a liked to spiders.

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