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Constant crashes near Orc strongholds

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I had a strange problem where the game crashed when I was entering exterior cells of Orc strongholds. I tried to narrow it down by "placeatme-ing" every single character from these strongholds and had no crashes, so its not character-related.

The game was at this point a downpatched AE, so I thought this might cause problems. I took 2 days to completely uninstall the game, delete every mod, delete the game folder and reinstalling from scratch, now as the latest AE version. I installed my mods and the game crashes near Orc strongholds.

I have no further idea, the logs show nothing unusual and therefore I decided to ask for help her.

Does anybody have an idea what might cause the crashes?


Thanks a lot in advance,


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I got this solved thanks to the help of my daughter.

Some orc kids added by a mod caused the crashes. After removing the mod, everything works fine except for Borghak the Steel Heart missing from the game but I will open another thread for this.

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