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Running programs like wyre bash, fnis, and TES5Edit on a windows computer, then transferring their output to a linux machine?


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Getting these modding programs working on linux can be a nightmare, assuming its even possible. An idea just hit me; I have a windows 10 laptop I rarely use. So why not run the programs on that and transfer their output to the linux machine?

Of course, the laptop obviously can't run either version of Skyrim, but I wouldn't technically need to run the game to run these programs. As long as it can handle mod organizer and the programs in question, I should be able to still use them.

Of course, this means I would have to transfer my load order to the laptop, but that wouldn't be too big a deal.

I'm just getting sick of not having my normal modding programs. I don't even have any way to see if I have leveled list conflicts or not. More embarrasingly, I've forgotten how to install TES5Edit on this machine its been so long. I have the download from github, I've just never bothered to fuss with it, after spending weeks getting things running on this machine. My game runs better than ever and I don't regret a thing, but I'm just sick of having to jump through hoops to get even the simplest thing to run. Besides, fnis is abandoned, so I probably couldn't get it to install on this thing anyway. Yes, I still use fnis, because its necessary for a lot of older creature mods. Besides, I've never had much luck with nemesis anyway.

Could this idea work and greatly simplify things for me?

edit: Well, turns out all I had to do for TES5Edit is to place it in my skyrim folder. I can't drag and drop records though, so I have to just manually enter them. Can't figure out how to install wryebash though. Still, at least now I can see conflicts, and at least now I have my main modding tool up and running. Guess I'll be relying on DAR for animations for a while. Oh well.

Edited by InDarkestNight
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