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Interesting builds?

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I've been working on the Relic Hunter challenge for Legacy of the Dragonborn for seemingly forever. I feel like I haven't truely played the game in years. I'm also sick of spending all my time designing load orders. I've even just made one I don't intend to actually play for quite a while. I just made it for the sake of doing so.

I've had issues doing the challenge. I've decided I need to test all the mods before doing the full attempt. My plan was made up of three stages, each played by a different character:

Legacy of the dragonborn alone: warrior build

Gray cowl of nocturnal (with dark brotherhood of old thrown in just to be a bit refresshing, and so I can play it without a load order full of scripted mods): stealth build

All the other quest mods: mage build.

note: I decided recently to move a few quest mods to the LotD playthrough, since this would mean the mage wouldn't have to be dragonborn

However, I've been having a really hard time coming up with interesting builds for this. The mage I wanted to be a 'good' mage that didn't use conjuration, illusion, or enchanting. Throwing a monkey wrench into everything though, I don't want any of the builds to overlap. This means none of the other builds can use destruction, restoration, or alteration. Annoying. The stealth build I figured could use illusion and conjuration, because I really enjoyed that build, though this playthrough is supposed to be short. I was thinking of making it a dagger assassin, just to make it a bit more refreshing. Illusion should make it a bit more viable. However, this leaves the warrior with virtually nothing. Two-handed, archery, heavy armor, plus a crafting skill.

Honestly, I just can't seem to force myself to even make another attempt. Maybe I"m just sick of it. Maybe I miss my normal load orders. Or maybe, the builds are just boring. I mean, all the warrior can do is spam-click stuff to death. Wtf?

This would probably be easier if I had more interesting builds to do these three with. Or maybe I need to just say 'screw it' and start actually playing skyrim again. I have thousands of hours, but honestly less then 3/4 of it is probably me actually playing the game. Most of that is just me testing out mods. I'm sick of testing mods, I'm sick of making load orders, I just want to play the damend game. I can't remember the last time I ever played any questline to completion, or any character past level 15 or so.

So i either need better builds, or just say screw it and play the game normally. I did actually try to do the latter, but that ended quickly due to me finally using some mods I had wanted to FOR YEARS which didn't turn out well. Fml.

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