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Fallout New Vegas- JIP LN NVSE Plugin xNVSE version out of date


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Hey everyone,

Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere, I'm having an issue getting my modded version of Fallout up and running. Its been a few years since I last played, the joys of having kids, and since watching the Fallout show I've been hankering to get back into the wasteland again.

So I'm working with a fresh installation of the game, I'm using Nexus Mod Manager to handle the mods and I currently have the following installed:

New Vegas Script Extender  6.3.5b

JIP LN NVSE Plugin   57.30

Base Object swapper 1.0

The living desert 2.61

NCM Texture pack 1.0

Physically based vehicles 1.1

Wasteland Flora and Terrain overhaul 3.6f

Johnny Guitar NVSE 5.10

New Vegas Enhanced Camera 1.4c

New Vegas Anti Crash


When I set the launcher for FNV to call on the NVSE I get the following message pop up


xNVSE version is outdated

This plugin requires v6.3.4 minimum


I'm sure its just something stupid and simple I'm missing, but I'm rusty on adding mods as its been (fml) like 8 years or more since I last played NV.

Thanks in advance!

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