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SPID: I cannot get the simplest DISTR file right (lol)


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I did search for a solution for this, but this is the novice difficulty of SPID, just a test, so (apparently) nobody had a problem at this stage.

This is the DISTR file content:

;Daedric Sword ( DaedricSword ) 
Item = 0x000139B9 - Skyrim.esm | ActorTypeNPC | NONE | NONE | NONE | 1 | NONE

It was created in MO2 -> through SSEdit -> SPID Script -> overwrite folder -> create mod.
The DISTR file shows in the Data folder from MO2 as you can see in the image.

However, I cannot find the Daedric Sword in any NPC, not equipped or in their inventory.

I will patiently wait for your response while warm-weather, cold-blooded Argonians are working with short sleeves in Windhelm. Do not worry about them, Survival does not work for NPCs yet.


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So, even tho SSEdit generated the file, as you can see in the image in my post above YOU need to change the file type to .ini, otherwise, it won't work at all.
This little, tiny, puny, mortal mistake was not mentioned in the mod page or any of the 1000 posts on that same page, or anywhere here, in the forums. But then again it is SPID level 0, so nobody has ever had this problem.

Thanks for your time to those who entered and read the post 😘

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