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Crash when fast travel to Riften


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Hello. If you read your crash log, you will see two listed mods in "REGISTERS:", that are causing problems inside EditorID: "RiftenOrigin". 

But i can see that you have more incompatibilities problems in other mods too. I advice you install and run loot, and read all yellow messages for missing patchs. Remember to see all requirements for a mod before installing.

For your Riften crash try disable this mods: 

File: "A Lot More Idle Marker.esp"

File: "Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm"

If this doesn't work, you need do disable all you mods and test one by one. Or at least check the latest mod you installed.

Edited by FelipeMA88
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Thanks for the info, mate. The weird things is when I disable Lot more Idle markers, still cash. Then, I disable Lanterns of Skyrim 2, no more crash. I guess Dawn of Skyrim will conflict with LOS2.

Edited by MrDiyyy
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