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Empty location name text replacement


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So I have this quest that sets a number of aliases.

One of the aliases is a location alias which I fill with "Loc1Alias.forceLocationTo( ref.getCurrentLocation())".

I'm actually doing this twice, in two quests.  One quest uses the alias in a player dialogue "Rent a bed in <Alias=Loc1>".  The other uses it in an objective, the exact same way.

Both aliases fill correctly, as verified with the SQV console command.

Once in a while, the aliases (both of them) appear blank (empty string).  Most display correctly, but once in a while the location is blank, and stays blank for the duration of the game.  Even a week later, after playing and gaining 30 levels, if I call "ref.getCurrentLocation().getName()", I get a blank result.  I mean, I have a valid reference, and getCurrentLocation returns the correct location, but the name is blank.

Stranger still, every game, it's different locations that loose their names.  This game, it's the "Dead Man's Drink" location.  In the last, it was the "Blood and Silver Inn".

Known bug? Known workarounds?

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Oh well.  Found it.

It's an ITM in @vsmods97 's Gyda Gyatta follower mod.  I assume it's a similar issue with my other occurrences and it keeps changing 'cause I keep rotating follower mods...

I've reported it to the Falkreath guards, but I doubt they'll do anything about it given there's nothing in it for Siddgeir (or Deingeir).

Edited by xkkmEl
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