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[Fallout 4 London] - A mod to bring back the original FO4 favorite weap/iteams HUD instead of the wheel


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I searched for one and couldn't find, so is there one ? If not, would it be simple to make for someone faceing te same struggle as me ? Or is there a way to simply disable the London Underrdound shaped wheel ?

As a PC player using a controller, I got kinda used to the previous interface and got my little system to remember where my favorited weapons were (pistols on the left, automatics on the right, shotguns at the bottom and a sniper weapon or two and a melee on top). Now, with the new interface, when I'm fvotiting a weapon, it still asks me where I want to place it on the "addition symbol" shped interface, and yet it just puts it somehere random in the wheel. Also, when I open the wheel and decides not to change weapon and press (B), which is muscle memory for exiting something on xbox controller, it exits and crouches me down at the same time.  Aslo, I open the weapon wheel with the DPAS, but then cannot make my choice with the right joystick and have to use the left one which feels counter intuitive to me.

It get me sad in a way, because I really like the visaul presentation of the new weapon/item wheel and I was exited to try it out, but it seems like I cannot get used to it. 

Maybe I'm all alone feeling like so, but maybe I'm not. And if I'm not, maybe someone facing the same struggle will have a solution for me 😄

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, or even bigger thanks if someone ends up making a mod for it !

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TBH, I never carry more than 3 weapons I actually intend to use, so the multiple options never mattered to me.

I'm not a fan of the wheel - but it isn't random.

Horizontal assignments translate to the right side of the circle.

Vertical assignments translate to the left side of the circle.


Takes a little getting used to - but since I only carry 3 weapons I intend to use - it's very simple.   

Right side - 4 o'clock to 6 o'clock - with the 4 o'clock position the primary weapon (i.e. right side closest to center) and 6 o'clock (i.e. right side farthest from center).


In other words, if I was going to carry 6 weapons - I'd have them all on the horizonal assignments - so I know they are all on the right side of the circle.


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You're not alone, I hate it too. I have a system of what goes where that I've used in FO4 since forever, and lets me quickly get what I need, stimpacks, melee weapon, whatever.

This screws it all up, and since the game isn't paused while selecting in the middle of a fight, I 'm now going into my pipboy to swicth weapons, which defeats the purpose of having favorites in the first place.


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i found a way to disable it for those who hate this feature. if you're using MO2 right click on "Fallout London" in the left pane, go to the "Filetree" tab, go into the F4SE folder, then plugins, and hide the "FavoritesMenuEx.dll" by right clicking on it. the option will be there in the popup menu. i suppose if you directly installed the mod you could go to Data/F4SE/Plugins and delete it from there. not sure about Vortex as i've never used it, but as it installs mods directly into the game files you should be able to manually remove the offending .dll.

Screenshot 2025-01-30 043017.png

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