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Blindness and spell targeting


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I recreated my blind warlock in BG3 and am using the ring of blindness to force the condition on the character in game. But, now I can't target creatures within range with eldritch blast, or any spells for that matter. Is this an engine limitation? Did they not implement spells to account for whether they have the key phrase "you can see" or is this a load order issue? As far as I can tell, it seems to be Larian decided that casters who can't see can't work within that constraint and still be effective. Is that right and does anyone have an idea how I could go about fixing it?

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Right, so it is broadly applied, thank you.

So, the second part of the question is then, any idea where I can start to fix it? Do spells do a conditional check, which can have a boost to range injected? Or, would it need to be some kind of on-cast script?

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