Mefistc Posted August 6, 2024 Share Posted August 6, 2024 (edited) Hi, as the title says, does anyone has any idea what could be causing this? (Video link below) I have been slowly disabling mods to figure this out without success yet, any advise is well appreciated! As you can see, when selecting a new weapon it performs this weird animation as if the character was falling, you can hear the sound too, this only happens when selecting a new weapon from the pip-boy, not when holstering the gun back and forth. Thanks in advance! Current mod list: #Mod_Priority,#Mod_Status,#Mod_Name "0000","+","DLC: Wasteland Workshop" "0001","+","DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop" "0002","+","DLC: Nuka-World" "0003","+","DLC: Far Harbor" "0004","+","DLC: Contraptions Workshop" "0005","+","DLC: Automatron" "0006","+","BackportedBA2Support-1_0" "0007","+","Mod Configuration Menu 1.39" "0008","+","MCM Booster" "0009","+","High FPS Physics Fix" "0010","+","Address Library - All In One" "0011","+","Extended Dialogue Interface 1.3.6" "0012","+","HUDFramework 1.0f" "0013","+","Baka ScrapHeap" "0014","+","RobCo Patcher" "0015","+","Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender" "0016","+","Long Loading Times Fix" "0017","+","Community Fixes Merged" "0018","+","Community Fixes Merged2" "0019","+","Community Tweaks Merged" "0020","+","Lighthouse Papyrus Extender" "0021","+","ShadowBoostFO4" "0022","+","ShadowBoostFO4 ini" "0023","+","SKKFastStartNewGame_020" "0024","+","Spell Perk Item Distributor F4" "0025","+","MAIM 2" "0026","+","True Damage" "0027","+","Bastion - A Power Armor Overhaul" "0028","+","Combined Arms" "0029","+","Combined Arms Expansion" "0030","+","X-Cell Fallout 4 1.3-b113" "0031","+","Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch" "0032","+","Weapon Mod Fixes" "0033","+","The Midnight Ride - Glitchfinder All-In-One" "0034","+","Buffout 4" "0035","+","Sprint Stuttering Fix" "0036","+","Jet Script Bugfix" "0037","+","Molotov Cocktail Nerf" "0038","+","Fixed Gobo Effects" "0039","+","Enhanced Lights and FX" "0040","+","Textures - High 2K Version (BA2 Format)" "0041","+","WET" "0042","+","Improved Map with Visible Roads" "0043","+","IMVM - Far Harbor (Default)" "0044","+","IMVR - Nuka World (Default)" "0045","+","Imposing Commonwealth Tree Overhaul Main FIle" "0046","+","Natural Grasses and Groundcovers" "0047","+","Vivid Weathers" "0048","+","Vivid Fallout - Complex Parallax Rocks - BS2 archive" "0049","+","VividFallout - All in One - Best Performance" "0050","+","Vivid Fallout - Trees - Best Choice" "0051","+","Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Complex Parallax Occlusion - BS2 archive - 2k-4k" "0052","+","Leaf Piles 1.01" "0053","+","Roads Redone 2K" "0054","+","NoBlurOnHit" "0055","+","True Shadows - All DLC" "0056","+","True Storms Wasteland Edition v1.4" "0057","+","Weather Synergy - Merge Patch" "0058","+","Project Reality Footsteps FO4 1.7 BA2" "0059","+","Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC" "0060","+","Add Enemy Footstep Sound" "0061","+","LOUDER PowerArmorVoiceChanger (ESP)" "0062","+","Radstorm Silent Hill Siren" "0063","+","Bleak Beauty - A Fallout Fan-Made OST 1.2" "0064","+","No Screen Blood Splatter" "0065","+","Unlimited Survival Mode - F4SE" "0066","+","Uneducated Shooter" "0067","+","Bullet Counted Reload - v.2.00" "0068","+","Bullet Time - Slow Time -" "0069","+","Better Casing Ejection" "0070","+","Better Power Armor - Redux" "0071","+","Better Explosives Redux" "0072","+","Armor-Upgrade Overhaul" "0073","+","Condition Boy and Girl" "0074","+","Immersive Animation Framework" "0075","+","Survival Configuration Menu" "0076","+","Sprint Reload" "0077","+","More Realistic Movement" "0078","+","DLC Timing" "0079","+","Chemfluence AI Combat Dynamics" "0080","+","Complex Vendors" "0081","+","Real.AI - Stable" "0082","+","Misc anim tweaks and fixes" "0083","+","Who's The General" "0084","+","SPARS Main File" "0085","+","Simple Impact" "0086","+","SightedSteadyAim_TR_STS_JR_ReloadFix" "0087","+","Sighted Weapon Accuracy Fix" "0088","+","Cookable Grenade" "0089","+","Grenade Timer Overhaul" "0090","+","Natural Resistances" "0091","+","Right-handed Nukaworld AK Replacer Animation Fix" "0092","+","Faster Workbench Exit" "0093","+","Scaling Flag Remover" "0094","+","Fallout 4 Scopes Framework" "0095","+","No Automatic Recoil Adjustment" "0096","+","Remember Lockpick Angle Updated" "0097","+","Looted World" "0098","+","Cooking Overhaul" "0099","+","Give Me That Bottle" "0100","+","AmmoRemover" "0101","+","Encounter Zone Recalculation" "0102","+","Recoil Shake and Low Ammo Sounds" "0103","+","Running Hands Archive Only 1.1" "0104","+","SCOURGE" "0105","+","Robco-Scourge ini-Patch" "0106","+","Runt - ESL version" "0107","+","'Launch Intro' Version" "0108","+","Fallout 76 HUD for Fall UI 1.1" "0109","+","Fallout 76 FallUI Preset - Gilded" "0110","+","Random Main Menu" "0111","+","Holotape Visual Improvement" "0112","+","All In One" "0113","+","AWReplacerFO3GarbageCan - 2k" "0114","+","AWReplacerFO3MetalBox - Metal And Wooden Boxes 2k" "0115","+","Seen some 1k s#*! - Pulowski Shelter" "0116","+","Blasted Billboards" "0117","+","Billboards Transparent and Fade Fix" "0118","+","Backpacks of the Commonwealth" "0119","+","New WRVR Radio Station and Female Companion" "0120","+","HR In-Game Collectible Maps and Display" "0121","+","Bullet Casings Redone" "0122","+","Goodneighbor View" "0123","+","Rsiyo's Location Pack" "0124","+","Nordic Europa Research facility" "0125","+","Interiors Enhanced 2.0 - ALL IN ONE" "0126","+","Starlight Drive-In And Diner - Roof And Sign Trim Only" "0127","+","Red Rockets' Glare REDONE" "0128","+","1. DWR - Complete Package - Tape" "0129","+","CC's Improved Roadsigns - 2K - 1.3" "0130","+","Nuka-Cola 2K (Weathered) Loose File Fix" "0131","+","Faster Stations" "0132","+","Faster Stations 1.1" "0133","+","Weapons of Fate (Ballistics Overhaul)" "0134","+","Tactical Reload Framework" "0135","+","Tactical Reload Vanilla Weapons" "0136","+","Tactical Reload DLC Weapons" "0137","+","Side_Aim_Framework_v" "0138","+","SBRsFramework" "0139","+","See-Through-Scopes" "0140","+","STS - SA Compatibility Patch (Integrating SBRsFramework.esm)" "0141","+","Combined Arms - 1.0" "0142","+","Combined Arms - 1.1 - PATCH" "0143","+","Combined Arms - AMD PATCH" "0144","+","Combined Arms Expansion Pack - 1.0 - MAIN" "0145","+","Combined Arms Expansion Pack - 1.0.2 - PATCH ONLY" "0146","+","for Combined Arms and its Expansion" "0147","+","Honey Badger" "0148","+","MCM Weather Control" "0149","+","Power Armor Heavy Impact" "0150","+","Merged RootBehavior" "0151","+","Combined Arms Integration Project (CAIP)" "0152","+","Combined Arms M82A1 See-Through Supports" "0153","+","Combined Arms M82A1 Recoil Tweaks" "0154","+","SA_Patches_by_XiFeiLi" "0155","+","Fallout 4 Pipe Handmade Weapons Retexture 2017" "0156","+","Furby_Import" "0157","+","GALIL - 2K" "0158","+","FN SCAR-H - 2K" "0159","+","FN SCAR-H - Update" "0160","+","FN SCAR-H - LvlList Patch" "0161","+","Tactical Reload Patch Repository" "0162","+","FN SCAR-H - Tactical Reload Patch" "0163","+","IMI Uzi" "0164","+","IMI Uzi - Update" "0165","+","IMI Uzi Addon" "0166","+","FN-FAL - Main File" "0167","+","WastelandAMR" "0168","+","WastelandAMR_reload" "0169","+","PersonalGM" "0170","+","PersonalGm_reload" "0171","+","Sovereigns_Personal_GM" "0172","+","HK G3 - 2K" "0173","+","HK G3 - Update" "0174","+","HK G3 - Tactical reload patch" "0175","+","Accuracy International L96A1" "0176","+","AK74M - Assault Rifle" "0177","+","AK74M Stock Options" "0178","+","Service Rifle" "0179","+","Ultra Interior Lighting - Corvega FPS Fix" "0180","+","EFTPack" "0181","+","RobCo_EFT True dmg" "0182","+","EFTPackReload" "0183","+","XM" "0184","+","FO4 Particle Patch" "0185","+","Proper Flyers And Posters" "0186","+","Proper Flyers And Posters2" "0187","+","Darker Vault Concrete - 2048x" "0188","+","Maximus' Fatigues" "0189","+","The Ghoul - VATS SFX Replacer" "0190","+","Tuneable Radios" "0191","+","The Rooftops" "0192","+","OLD WORLD RADIO - BOSTON v6.0" "0193","+","Diamond City Radio Extended" "0194","+","Immersive Pip-Boy Radio" "0195","+","Chrome PipBoy" "0196","+","Fallout Show Pip-Boy replacer QHD (Dirty)" "0197","+","NPC Accuracy Revised" "0198","+","Reverb and Ambiance patch" "0199","+","Radio Reverb Fix" "0200","+","Clearable Wreck of the USS Riptide" "0201","+","GD45_DBD_Deathslinger_no_leg_brace" "0202","+","Glassy Pipboy Screen (No Cracks or Gouges)" "0203","+","Lowered Weapons 1.1" "0204","+","Normal Version" "0205","+","Place (Fallout4 1.10.163 - latest release)" "0206","+","Radstorm Silent Hill Siren - True Storms Patch" "0207","+","Radstorm Silent Hill Siren - Vivid Weathers Patch" "0208","+","Sunlight Alignment Tweaks" "0209","+","Diamond City Radio Extended - Fix Radio" "0210","+","Remove Weapon Mods" "0211","+","FO76 Style Vault Suits" "0212","+","Vault Suit Zippers" "0213","+","Unarmed Vault Dwellers - ESL (Reccomended)" "0214","+","Spiff's Game-Setting Tweaks - ESL Version" "0215","+","Classic Holstered Weapons -" "0216","+","SILENT Crafting - WITH DLC" "0217","+","Random Encounter Framework" "0218","+","Fake Through Scope 0.9.4" "0219","+","Commonwealth Broadcasting Services" "0220","+","Casing Framework" "0221","+","Cod Modding Framework - Maing" "0222","+","FriendlyFactionsAIO" "0223","+","We Are The Minutemen" "0224","+","Institute Power Armor Redux" "0225","+","Escape from Boston - Heckler and Koch G36 Redux" "0226","+","EFB G36 Tactical Reload Patch" "0227","+","Escape from Boston - HK G36 FTS Patch" "0228","+","Main Download-BAS" "0229","+","MW2023 - BAS-B - Side Aim Framework Patch" "0230","+","FTS patch-BAS" "0231","+","Main Download-AMR" "0232","+","Side Aim Patch-AMR" "0233","+","FTS patch-AMR" "0234","+","Vanilla - FTS Patch" "0235","+","TR patch2" "0236","+","FOV Slider and Player Height" "0237","+","Clean Prydwen" "0238","+","Show Prydwen" "0239","+","Windows (Dimmer)" "0240","+","Simple Vendor Caps Booster" "0241","+","Diamond City Vendor Clutter" "0242","+","Real Time Cover Penetration Framework" "0243","+","Bullet Penetration and Ricochet" "0244","+","PVoFS" "0245","+","2.5x increased radius 5x increased light level falloff" "0246","+","See Through Scopes - Night Vision" "0247","+","Unleveled World - F4SE" "0248","+","AAC Honey Badger" "0249","+","Honey Badger - Button Lowered Weapons" "0250","+","Radio Moskva" "0251","+","1 - WRVR Patch - Loose Files" "0252","+","Fens Fast Travel" "0253","+","Pyongyang Radio Broadcast Main File" "0254","+","Art Bell Radio Station From Pahrump Nevada" "0255","+","Automatically Lowered Weapons" "0256","+","Tavor X95" "0257","+","Tavor X95 - Side Aim Framework Patch" "0258","+","Tavor X95 - PMAG Sounds Fix" "0259","+","Combat AI Empowered" "0260","+","Combat AI Empowered - Game Settings Upgrade" "0261","+","MTs-255 Revolver Shotgun - 2K Textures" "0262","+","2029 Radio- Pipboy Custom Radio" "0263","+","Weapons of Fate Redux (RobCo Patcher Edition)" "0264","+","Riveter - Main" "0265","+","Tactical Reload Patch" "0266","+","Glowing Animals Emit Light - ALL DLC" "0267","+","Mysterious Broadcast Main File" "0268","+","BA2 2k Rubble Debris Clean" "0269","+","Archived Mossy Power Tower 2k" "0270","+","Crate 2k Retexture - It has been a long time" "0271","+","2k Looking nice decal" "0272","+","2k BA2 Machinery Seen Some s#*! Mossy retexture" "0273","+","2k Corroded airplanes seen some s#*!" "0274","+","2k Fire Extinguisher seen some s#*!" "0275","+","2k HRP" "0276","+","WoodCrate 2k - It has been a long time" "0277","+","Fireflies (ESL version)" "0278","+","Retro Institute" "0279","+","Previsibines Repair Pack" "0280","+","Disk Cache Enabler" "0281","+","Fallout Priority Next-Gen" "0282","+","FO4LoadAccelerator" "0283","+","High Priority Configuration" "0284","+","Loading Screen Remover" "0285","+","Clock Widget" "0286","+","" "0287","+","Crafting Highlight Fix 1.9" "0288","+","DEF_UI" "0289","+","Disable Creation Club" "0290","+","FallUI - Confirm Boxes" "0291","+","FallUI - Map" "0292","+","Immersive HUD - iHUD" "0293","+","Main - pip boy sounds" "0294","+","modofonto-fonts" "0295","+","Nameplates" "0296","+","QuickTrade 1.3" "0297","+","Fallout 4 Wheel Menu" "0298","+","BHWeaponsReloaded" "0299","+","FallUI - HUD" "0300","+","FO4FI HD Series (HD DLC Clothes and Armor)" "0301","+","FO4FI HD Series (HD Vanilla Armor)" "0302","+","FO4FI HD Series (HD Vanilla Clothes)" "0303","+","Grab the Damn Mag" "0304","+","The Zone" "0305","+","TheZonePrecombines" "0306","+","Green Hood Remodel" "0307","+","Hidden Armor" "0308","+","America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclave" "0309","+","America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclavepatch" "0310","+","Boon Island 1.0.4" "0311","+","Caves Of The Commonwealth 1.2" "0312","+","XDI Wolfmark Fix Preconfigured" "0313","+","CaravanGuardsInLeathers" "0314","+","BuffX-Cell Settings" "0315","+","Interesting Encounter Booster" "0316","+","WastelandAviator.rar" "0317","+","Wasteland Aviator 1.0" "0318","+","Ammo Reduction Lite" "0319","+","NPC LLD Realance" "0320","+","Vanilla Plus Loot Reduction" "0321","+","Tull Framework" "0322","+","EFT FTS Scope Replacer v" "0323","+","Braindance Wreath (CP77) - Main - 2K Textures (Lite)" "0324","+","2.1.0 CBBE BODY AND BODYSLIDES" "0325","+","Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar - BA2" "0326","+","Longer Power Lines 3x" "0327","+","Handmade Pistol" "0328","+","Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)" "0329","+","Armorsmith Extended" "0330","+","Console Autocomplete" "0331","+","Better Settlers" "0332","+","Loot Logic and Reduction" "0333","+","SpectacleIslandBridges ESL" "0334","+","Enhanced Movement" "0335","+","Radio Louis" "0336","+","Vel-46 - Main" "0337","+","Vel-46 - Tactical Reload Patch" "0338","+","Wasteland Graffiti" "0339","+","Workshop Framework" "0340","+","dp ghoul posters 2k new" "0341","+","PipSaver" "0342","+","Dynamic Smudged Screens - PipSaver" "0343","+","Real Dynamic Pip-boy Smudges" "0344","+","Subway Runner - Revival" "0345","+","Robco - Realistic Weapons Name" "0346","+","Cronen Squall - Main" "0347","+","Cronen Squall - Side Aim Framework Patch" "0348","+","Tactical Reload Patch cronen squall" "0349","+","CX-9 Updated" "0350","+","CX-9 TR Patch" "0351","+","CX-9 - Side Aim Framework Patch" "0352","+","BP50 - Main" "0353","+","Tactical Reload Patch BP 50" "0354","+","BP50 - Side Aim Framework Patch" "0355","+","Leveled List Patch bp50" "0356","+","Lachmann Sub - Main" "0357","+","Lachmann Sub - Lasers and Side Aim Framework Patch" "0358","+","Tactical Reload Patch lachmann" "0359","+","MCPR-300 - Main" "0360","+","MW2022 - MCPR-300 - Side Aim Framework Patch" "0361","+","FTS Patch MCPR-300" "0362","+","Tactical Reload Patch MCPR-300" "0363","+","PRP Main" "0364","+","Boston FPS Fix - PRP Edition" "0365","+","Button Lowered Weapons" "0366","+","Disable Shadows from Light Sources" Edited August 9, 2024 by Mefistc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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