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Can anyone potentially help me figure out which mods are causing my game to crash? Seems to only happen when I fast travel around freeside/the strip, thanks.


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Crash Logger version 4.5 beta 4 at 2024-08-08 10:04:24.9192573
If this file is empty, then your game didn't crash or something went so wrong even crash logger was useless! :snig:
Topmost stack module is NOT ALWAYS the crash reason! Exercise caution when speculating!

Exception C0000417 caught!

Thread: [FNV] Serialized IO Thread

Physical Usage:   2.06 GB 
Virtual  Usage:   2.26 GB 

0x4054FEC0 ==>            FalloutNV (0x00ECB144) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0x4054FF08 ==>            FalloutNV (0x00ECB387) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0x4054FF24 ==>            FalloutNV (0x00ECB3C0) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0x4054FF68 ==>            FalloutNV (0x00AA8511) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0x4054FF70 ==>            FalloutNV (0x00AA64E0) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0x4054FF80 ==>             KERNEL32 (0x1001FCC9) : BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19
0x4054FFDC ==>                ntdll (0x100680CE) : RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x11E
0x4054FFEC ==>                ntdll (0x1006809E) : RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0xEE

eax | 0x4054FBB8 | 
ebp | 0x4054FEC0 | 
ebx | 0xFFFFFFFF | 
ecx | 0x00000000 | 
edi | 0x00000000 | 
edx | 0x00000000 | 
eip | 0x00ECB144 | 
esi | 0x00000000 | 
esp | 0x4054FE8C | 

 0 | 0x00ECB144 | 
 1 | 0x00000000 | 
 2 | 0x00000000 | 
 3 | 0x00000000 | 
 4 | 0x00000000 | 
 5 | 0x00000000 | 
 6 | 0x00AA64D0 | 
 7 | 0x00000000 | 
 8 | 0x170FFE10 | 0x010A29C0 ==> Unhandled: OEI::IO::IO_Thread
17 | 0x170FFE10 | 0x010A29C0 ==> Unhandled: OEI::IO::IO_Thread
2D | 0x170FFE10 | 0x010A29C0 ==> Unhandled: OEI::IO::IO_Thread
3B | 0x170FFE10 | 0x010A29C0 ==> Unhandled: OEI::IO::IO_Thread
3F | 0x170FFE10 | 0x010A29C0 ==> Unhandled: OEI::IO::IO_Thread
43 | 0x170FFE10 | 0x010A29C0 ==> Unhandled: OEI::IO::IO_Thread
5B | 0x170FFE10 | 0x010A29C0 ==> Unhandled: OEI::IO::IO_Thread

00 - FalloutNV.esm                            by ipely                                   
01 - DeadMoney.esm                            by jfader                                  
02 - HonestHearts.esm                         by jfader                                  
03 - OldWorldBlues.esm                        by jfader                                  
04 - LonesomeRoad.esm                         by jfader                                  
05 - GunRunnersArsenal.esm                    by jfader                                  
06 - ClassicPack.esm                          by jfader                                  
07 - MercenaryPack.esm                        by jfader                                  
08 - TribalPack.esm                           by jfader                                  
09 - CaravanPack.esm                          by jfader                                  
0A - YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm            by Y|yukichigai                            
0B - NavmeshOverhaul.esm                      by Inthegrave                              
0C - fixy crap ue.esp                        
0D - Leveled DLC Delay.esm                    by RuyN21                                  
0E - Bad Touch.esm                           
0F - Functional Post Game Ending.esm          by Kazopert                                
10 - Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esm by Kazopert                                
11 - TLD_Travelers.esm                        by ElPascal                                
12 - Better Brotherhood.esm                   by PlatinumShad0w                          
13 - Vanilla Enhancements.esm                 by PushTheWinButton                        
14 - Lone Star.esm                            by RuyN21                                  
15 - Simple Character Expansions.esm          by Machienzo - SupaSTO                     
16 - Landscape Texture Improvements.esm      
17 - NVInteriors_Core.esm                     by Chucksteel                              
18 - NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm             by Chucksteel                              
19 - IntimacyOverhaul_v1.0.esm               
1A - TGMIO.esm                                by Lime                                    
1B - Factions Reloaded Legion.esp            
1C - HiddenValleyOverhauled.esm              
1D - factions reloaded raiders v2.esm        
1E - TheThornOverhauled.esm                  
1F - PrimmSouthUncut.esp                     
20 - Configurable Pip-Boy Light Color.esm     by Nehred                                  
21 - VICE.esm                                 by Mugsie                                  
22 - Simple Open Strip.esm                   
23 - The Strip - 2023 Lite.esm                by EmployeesMustWashHands                  
24 - Landscape Texture Improvements - YUP Patch.esm
25 - YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp by Y|yukichigai                            
26 - Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp           by The UPNVSEP Team                        
27 - NVMIM.esp                                by SciRika                                 
28 - ExRB.esp                                
29 - The Mod Configuration Menu.esp           by Pelinor                                 
2A - Vanilla UI Plus.esp                      by Axonis                                  
2B - JustAssortedMods.esp                     by yvileapsis and others                   
2C - Enhanced Movement.esp                   
2D - ImmersiveRecoil.esp                      by DrarenThiralas                          
2E - Follower Tweaks.esp                      by PushTheWinButton                        
2F - Uncut Wasteland.esp                      by sandbox6                                
30 - Uncut Extra Collection.esp               by sandbox6                                
31 - The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul.esp by Faram AKA Biohazard                     
32 - Misc Content Restoration.esp            
33 - Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland Patch.esp by Kazopert                                
34 - Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Extra Collection Patch.esp by Kazopert                                
35 - ATMOS Ambient Overhaul.esp              
36 - DLC Enhancements.esp                     by PushTheWinButton                        
37 - Better Brotherhood - YUP Patch.esp       by PlatinumShadow                          
38 - Better Brotherhood - FPGE Patch.esp     
39 - EVEM - YUP Patch.esp                     by Ungeziefi                               
3A - EVEM - Uncut Extra Collection Patch.esp  by Ungeziefi                               
3B - EVEM - FPGE Patch.esp                    by Ungeziefi                               
3C - EVEM - Uncut Extra Collection - FPGE Patch.esp by Ungeziefi                               
3D - Lone Star - VNV Patch.esp               
3E - Trap Tweaks.esp                         
3F - Project Reality Footsteps.esp           
40 - FNV FaceGen Fix.esp                     
41 - Simple Character Expansions - YUP.esp    by SupaSTO                                 
42 - Simple Character Expansions - UW VNV Edit Patch.esp by Ungeziefi                               
43 - rockbiter_AnimationSounds.esp           
44 - All Weapon Sounds Overhaul .esp         
45 - B42Inertia.esp                           by Xilandro Axeuora & JazzIsParis          
46 - Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp         
47 - Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch.esp by VishVadeva                              
48 - factions reloaded followers.esp         
49 - Lucky38Overhaul.esp                     
4A - TGMIO_TLD_Patch.esp                      by Lime                                    
4B - TGMIO_FPGE_Patch.esp                     by Lime                                    
4C - NVInteriors_Rewritten.esp               
4D - Lucky 38 Lights Redone.esp               by Nehred                                  
4E - ultra luxe expanded fountain.esp        
4F - AfterglowNeonIllumination.esp           
50 - Little More Lamplight.esp                by zedas                                   
51 - Better Strip View.esp                   
52 - Strip Lights Region Fix.esp              by Nehred                                  
53 - Lucky38ExtRemasterNew.esp               
54 - StripCinematicLighting.esp              
55 - StripCinematic_2023Lite.esp             
56 - StripCinematic_LuxAeterna.esp           
57 - StripCinematic_L38EBSV.esp              
58 - ATMOS Ambient Overhaul Patch - Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp
59 - VICE - A Little More Lamplight.esp      
5A - VICE - The Living Desert.esp            
5B - VICE - FPGE.esp                         
5C - VICE - Performance Patch.esp            
5D - Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix.esp        by VishVadeva                              
5E - DNWeathers.esp                           by Scott Clam                              
5F - Interior Rain.esp                       
60 - CC - Rain.esp                           
61 - CC - 3D Rain.esp                        
62 - Viva New Vegas - LOD.esp                 by ModdingLinked                           
"gr_Creature Swim Fix.txt"
"ln_Bad Touch.txt"

Module bases:
0x5F110000 - 0x5F297000 ==> usvfs_x86,                                             C:/Modding/MO2/usvfs_x86.dll
0x75840000 - 0x75855000 ==> aswhook,                                               C:/Program Files/AVG/Antivirus/x86/aswhook.dll
0x6C880000 - 0x6CDEF000 ==> MessageBus,                                            C:/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/NvContainer/MessageBus.dll
0x67590000 - 0x6AA9F000 ==> RTSSHooks,                                             C:/Program Files (x86)/RivaTuner Statistics Server/RTSSHooks.dll
0x5ED60000 - 0x5ED81000 ==> CSERHelper,                                            C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/CSERHelper.dll
0x5EC00000 - 0x5ED53000 ==> GameOverlayRenderer,                                   C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/GameOverlayRenderer.dll
0x5ED90000 - 0x5EE89000 ==> steam,                                                 C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steam.dll
0x60830000 - 0x61BA9000 ==> steamclient,                                           C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamclient.dll
0x638C0000 - 0x63958000 ==> tier0_s,                                               C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/tier0_s.dll
0x63830000 - 0x638B9000 ==> vstdlib_s,                                             C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/vstdlib_s.dll
0x6BCB0000 - 0x6C00D000 ==> DiscordHook,                                           C:/Users/*****/AppData/Local/Discord/app-1.0.9157/modules/discord_hook-1/discord_hook/5388a0e2e98aa5/DiscordHook.dll
0xA7180000 - 0xA7308000 ==> nvse_dbghelp,                                          C:/Users/*****/AppData/Local/Temp/nvse_dbghelp.dll
0x60580000 - 0x606B6000 ==> AUDIOSES,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/AUDIOSES.DLL
0x72470000 - 0x7247A000 ==> CRYPTBASE,                                             C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/CRYPTBASE.DLL
0x6B690000 - 0x6B72B000 ==> CoreMessaging,                                         C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/CoreMessaging.dll
0x67310000 - 0x6758F000 ==> CoreUIComponents,                                      C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/CoreUIComponents.dll
0x6ECA0000 - 0x6F034000 ==> D3DCompiler_47,                                        C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/D3DCompiler_47.dll
0x71200000 - 0x71229000 ==> DEVOBJ,                                                C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/DEVOBJ.dll
0x6B970000 - 0x6B9A7000 ==> DINPUT8,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/DINPUT8.dll
0x6B820000 - 0x6B82A000 ==> HID,                                                   C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/HID.DLL
0x707D0000 - 0x70802000 ==> IPHLPAPI,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x6B420000 - 0x6B439000 ==> MSACM32,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/MSACM32.DLL
0x66730000 - 0x6679D000 ==> MSVCP140,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/MSVCP140.dll
0x70710000 - 0x70762000 ==> MSWSOCK,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/MSWSOCK.dll
0x6B4E0000 - 0x6B5A2000 ==> PROPSYS,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/PROPSYS.dll
0x6BB00000 - 0x6BB2A000 ==> RTWorkQ,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/RTWorkQ.DLL
0x6C300000 - 0x6C30A000 ==> Secur32,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/Secur32.dll
0x72480000 - 0x724A1000 ==> SspiCli,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/SspiCli.dll
0x6B440000 - 0x6B4D5000 ==> TextShaping,                                           C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/TextShaping.dll
0x70770000 - 0x7077D000 ==> UMPDC,                                                 C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/UMPDC.dll
0x66510000 - 0x66525000 ==> VCRUNTIME140,                                          C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/VCRUNTIME140.dll
0x72440000 - 0x72468000 ==> WINMM,                                                 C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/WINMM.dll
0x64780000 - 0x64788000 ==> WSOCK32,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/WSOCK32.dll
0x6BB30000 - 0x6BCA1000 ==> WindowsCodecs,                                         C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/WindowsCodecs.dll
0x75860000 - 0x75885000 ==> Wldp,                                                  C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/Wldp.dll
0x017B0000 - 0x017C6000 ==> XINPUT1_3,                                             C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/XINPUT1_3.dll
0x5E6F0000 - 0x5E6F7000 ==> XINPUT9_1_0,                                           C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/XINPUT9_1_0.dll
0x6C760000 - 0x6C768000 ==> avrt,                                                  C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/avrt.dll
0x70A00000 - 0x70A26000 ==> cryptnet,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/cryptnet.dll
0x67130000 - 0x67310000 ==> d3d11,                                                 C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/d3d11.dll
0x6C160000 - 0x6C2F2000 ==> d3d9,                                                  C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/d3d9.dll
0x5EEA0000 - 0x5F09F000 ==> d3dx9_43,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/d3dx9_43.dll
0x64750000 - 0x6477B000 ==> dbgcore,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/dbgcore.DLL
0x70810000 - 0x70998000 ==> dbghelp,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/dbghelp.dll
0x66FC0000 - 0x67125000 ==> dcomp,                                                 C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/dcomp.dll
0x66650000 - 0x66666000 ==> dhcpcsvc,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/dhcpcsvc.DLL
0x6CE40000 - 0x6CF40000 ==> drvstore,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/drvstore.dll
0x70FF0000 - 0x71016000 ==> dwmapi,                                                C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/dwmapi.dll
0x66900000 - 0x6692C000 ==> dxcore,                                                C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/dxcore.dll
0x71020000 - 0x710E5000 ==> dxgi,                                                  C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/dxgi.dll
0x62EE0000 - 0x62EFE000 ==> gpapi,                                                 C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/gpapi.dll
0x6B730000 - 0x6B81D000 ==> inputhost,                                             C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/inputhost.dll
0x75740000 - 0x7574F000 ==> kernel.appcore,                                        C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/kernel.appcore.dll
0x6C7B0000 - 0x6C7B7000 ==> ksuser,                                                C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/ksuser.dll
0x6C720000 - 0x6C753000 ==> l3codecp,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/l3codecp.acm
0x6FDB0000 - 0x6FF29000 ==> mfplat,                                                C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/mfplat.DLL
0x6C7E0000 - 0x6C7E8000 ==> midimap,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/midimap.dll
0x6C7D0000 - 0x6C7DA000 ==> msacm32,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/msacm32.drv
0x725A0000 - 0x725AE000 ==> msasn1,                                                C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/msasn1.dll
0x63F50000 - 0x63F59000 ==> msdmo,                                                 C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/msdmo.dll
0x77A70000 - 0x77C14000 ==> ntdll,                                                 C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll
0x709A0000 - 0x709C9000 ==> ntmarta,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntmarta.dll
0x6AD90000 - 0x6B39D000 ==> nvapi,                                                 C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/nvapi.dll
0x70780000 - 0x707C4000 ==> powrprof,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/powrprof.dll
0x72580000 - 0x7259B000 ==> profapi,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/profapi.dll
0x5EBF0000 - 0x5EBFF000 ==> resourcepolicyclient,                                  C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/resourcepolicyclient.dll
0x66670000 - 0x66729000 ==> textinputframework,                                    C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/textinputframework.dll
0x66E20000 - 0x66FB1000 ==> twinapi.appcore,                                       C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/twinapi.appcore.dll
0x75730000 - 0x75738000 ==> version,                                               C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/version.dll
0x6C770000 - 0x6C7AA000 ==> wdmaud,                                                C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/wdmaud.drv
0x72980000 - 0x72F94000 ==> windows.storage,                                       C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/windows.storage.dll
0x6C0A0000 - 0x6C0BD000 ==> winmmbase,                                             C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/winmmbase.dll
0x6B5B0000 - 0x6B68D000 ==> wintypes,                                              C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/wintypes.dll
0x775F0000 - 0x7766D000 ==> ADVAPI32,                                              C:/Windows/System32/ADVAPI32.dll
0x77850000 - 0x77950000 ==> CRYPT32,                                               C:/Windows/System32/CRYPT32.dll
0x725B0000 - 0x725C3000 ==> CRYPTSP,                                               C:/Windows/System32/CRYPTSP.dll
0x624B0000 - 0x62C98000 ==> NvCamera32,                                            C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1/NvCamera/NvCamera32.dll
0x62F00000 - 0x63256000 ==> d3dcompiler_47_32,                                     C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1/NvCamera/d3dcompiler_47_32.dll
0x6CF40000 - 0x6EC99000 ==> nvd3dum,                                               C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1/nvd3dum.dll
0x64790000 - 0x66223000 ==> nvgpucomp32,                                           C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1/nvgpucomp32.dll
0x6C0C0000 - 0x6C15A000 ==> nvldumd,                                               C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1/nvldumd.dll
0x66930000 - 0x66A0F000 ==> nvppe,                                                 C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1/nvppe.dll
0x7FFF0000 - 0x832A8000 ==> nvwgf2um,                                              C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_1196b342b24df5d1/nvwgf2um.dll
0x75B70000 - 0x75B93000 ==> GDI32,                                                 C:/Windows/System32/GDI32.dll
0x760C0000 - 0x760E5000 ==> IMM32,                                                 C:/Windows/System32/IMM32.DLL
0x75FD0000 - 0x760C0000 ==> KERNEL32,                                              C:/Windows/System32/KERNEL32.DLL
0x758F0000 - 0x75B2A000 ==> KERNELBASE,                                            C:/Windows/System32/KERNELBASE.dll
0x60720000 - 0x6078B000 ==> MMDevApi,                                              C:/Windows/System32/MMDevApi.dll
0x5D8B0000 - 0x5D983000 ==> MSCTF,                                                 C:/Windows/System32/MSCTF.dll
0x760F0000 - 0x760F7000 ==> NSI,                                                   C:/Windows/System32/NSI.dll
0x76360000 - 0x763F6000 ==> OLEAUT32,                                              C:/Windows/System32/OLEAUT32.dll
0x762A0000 - 0x7635C000 ==> RPCRT4,                                                C:/Windows/System32/RPCRT4.dll
0x76BD0000 - 0x77008000 ==> SETUPAPI,                                              C:/Windows/System32/SETUPAPI.dll
0x76400000 - 0x769D8000 ==> SHELL32,                                               C:/Windows/System32/SHELL32.dll
0x77450000 - 0x77495000 ==> SHLWAPI,                                               C:/Windows/System32/SHLWAPI.dll
0x76100000 - 0x7629E000 ==> USER32,                                                C:/Windows/System32/USER32.dll
0x6B930000 - 0x6B96D000 ==> WMASF,                                                 C:/Windows/System32/WMASF.DLL
0x6FA90000 - 0x6FC9D000 ==> WMVCore,                                               C:/Windows/System32/WMVCore.DLL
0x770E0000 - 0x77143000 ==> WS2_32,                                                C:/Windows/System32/WS2_32.dll
0x66330000 - 0x663A3000 ==> WindowManagementAPI,                                   C:/Windows/System32/WindowManagementAPI.dll
0x66230000 - 0x66323000 ==> Windows.UI,                                            C:/Windows/System32/Windows.UI.dll
0x774A0000 - 0x774B9000 ==> bcrypt,                                                C:/Windows/System32/bcrypt.dll
0x773F0000 - 0x7744F000 ==> bcryptPrimitives,                                      C:/Windows/System32/bcryptPrimitives.dll
0x75B30000 - 0x75B6B000 ==> cfgmgr32,                                              C:/Windows/System32/cfgmgr32.dll
0x77010000 - 0x7708E000 ==> clbcatq,                                               C:/Windows/System32/clbcatq.dll
0x77150000 - 0x773D0000 ==> combase,                                               C:/Windows/System32/combase.dll
0x5F570000 - 0x5F938000 ==> d3dx9_38,                                              C:/Windows/System32/d3dx9_38.DLL
0x63F30000 - 0x63F48000 ==> devenum,                                               C:/Windows/System32/devenum.dll
0x776D0000 - 0x777B6000 ==> gdi32full,                                             C:/Windows/System32/gdi32full.dll
0x773D0000 - 0x773E9000 ==> imagehlp,                                              C:/Windows/System32/imagehlp.dll
0x6FCA0000 - 0x6FDA6000 ==> mfperfhelper,                                          C:/Windows/System32/mfperfhelper.dll
0x6AD60000 - 0x6AD77000 ==> mp3dmod,                                               C:/Windows/System32/mp3dmod.dll
0x6F990000 - 0x6FA64000 ==> msmpeg2adec,                                           C:/Windows/System32/msmpeg2adec.dll
0x75DF0000 - 0x75E6B000 ==> msvcp_win,                                             C:/Windows/System32/msvcp_win.dll
0x75BA0000 - 0x75C5F000 ==> msvcrt,                                                C:/Windows/System32/msvcrt.dll
0x75E70000 - 0x75F53000 ==> ole32,                                                 C:/Windows/System32/ole32.dll
0x75F60000 - 0x75F66000 ==> psapi,                                                 C:/Windows/System32/psapi.dll
0x64490000 - 0x644B2000 ==> qasf,                                                  C:/Windows/System32/qasf.dll
0x6F7F0000 - 0x6F98A000 ==> quartz,                                                C:/Windows/System32/quartz.dll
0x769E0000 - 0x76A58000 ==> sechost,                                               C:/Windows/System32/sechost.dll
0x76A60000 - 0x76AE7000 ==> shcore,                                                C:/Windows/System32/shcore.dll
0x774D0000 - 0x775F0000 ==> ucrtbase,                                              C:/Windows/System32/ucrtbase.dll
0x75C60000 - 0x75C78000 ==> win32u,                                                C:/Windows/System32/win32u.dll
0x77090000 - 0x770DD000 ==> wintrust,                                              C:/Windows/System32/wintrust.dll
0x6C7F0000 - 0x6C87D000 ==> COMCTL32,                                              C:/Windows/WinSxS/x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.19041.4355_none_c0dc01d438beab35/COMCTL32.dll
0x718A0000 - 0x71A07000 ==> gdiplus,                                               C:/Windows/WinSxS/x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.19041.4597_none_d954b6f7e1016a2a/gdiplus.dll
0x66BF0000 - 0x66E19000 ==> nvspcap,                                               C:/Windows/system32/nvspcap.dll
0x71230000 - 0x7125F000 ==> rsaenh,                                                C:/Windows/system32/rsaenh.dll
0x71260000 - 0x712D4000 ==> uxtheme,                                               C:/Windows/system32/uxtheme.dll
0x5FA40000 - 0x5FA67000 ==> DSOUND,                                                G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/DSOUND.dll
0x5F550000 - 0x5F564000 ==> nvhr_avx2,                                             G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVHR/nvhr_avx2.dll
0x3B680000 - 0x3B697000 ==> ActorCauseSaveBloatFix,     NVSE plugin version:    1, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ActorCauseSaveBloatFix.dll
0x3B6B0000 - 0x3B6B9000 ==> Alpha Fixes,                NVSE plugin version:  252, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/Alpha Fixes.dll
0x3B6D0000 - 0x3B701000 ==> BetterCaravan,                                         G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/BetterCaravan.dll
0x5F0C0000 - 0x5F0DA000 ==> ClimateControl,             NVSE plugin version:    0, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ClimateControl.dll
0x5F0A0000 - 0x5F0C0000 ==> CloudUpgrade,               NVSE plugin version:    0, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/CloudUpgrade.dll
0x3B740000 - 0x3B7B9000 ==> CrashLogger,                NVSE plugin version:  454, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/CrashLogger.dll
0x3B7D0000 - 0x3B7D6000 ==> DoF-Fix,                                               G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/DoF-Fix.dll
0x3B7F0000 - 0x3B801000 ==> DynamicReflections,         NVSE plugin version:  137, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/DynamicReflections.dll
0x3B820000 - 0x3B839000 ==> EngineOptimizations,        NVSE plugin version:  100, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/EngineOptimizations.dll
0x3B850000 - 0x3B874000 ==> ExternalEmittanceFix,                                  G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ExternalEmittanceFix.dll
0x3B890000 - 0x3B899000 ==> Fallout Shader Loader,                                 G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/Fallout Shader Loader.dll
0x3B8B0000 - 0x3B8C6000 ==> HDPipboy,                   NVSE plugin version:    1, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/HDPipboy.dll
0x3B8E0000 - 0x3B8E7000 ==> HighResBloom,               NVSE plugin version:  510, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/HighResBloom.dll
0x3B900000 - 0x3B916000 ==> HighResLocalMaps,           NVSE plugin version:   12, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/HighResLocalMaps.dll
0x3B930000 - 0x3B936000 ==> HighResWaterDepth,          NVSE plugin version:   11, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/HighResWaterDepth.dll
0x3B9D0000 - 0x3B9F6000 ==> ImprovedLightingShaders,    NVSE plugin version:    8, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ImprovedLightingShaders.dll
0x3BBA0000 - 0x3BBAB000 ==> LOD Fixes,                  NVSE plugin version:  129, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/LOD Fixes.dll
0x3BBC0000 - 0x3BBF2000 ==> MCM,                        NVSE plugin version:    1, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/MCM.dll
0x3BC70000 - 0x3BC81000 ==> MoonlightNVSE,              NVSE plugin version:  200, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/MoonlightNVSE.dll
0x3BCA0000 - 0x3BCA6000 ==> MuzzleFlashFix,             NVSE plugin version:    1, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/MuzzleFlashFix.dll
0x3BE70000 - 0x3BE7C000 ==> NVTF,                       NVSE plugin version:   10, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/NVTF.dll
0x3BE90000 - 0x3BE96000 ==> PipBoyShadingFix,           NVSE plugin version:    2, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/PipBoyShadingFix.dll
0x3BEB0000 - 0x3BFF6000 ==> ShowOffNVSE,                NVSE plugin version:  180, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ShowOffNVSE.dll
0x400C0000 - 0x400D9000 ==> VATSLagFix,                                            G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/VATSLagFix.dll
0x400F0000 - 0x400F7000 ==> Viewmodel Shading Fix,                                 G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/Viewmodel Shading Fix.dll
0x40110000 - 0x40119000 ==> ViewmodelShakeFix,                                     G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ViewmodelShakeFix.dll
0x3B950000 - 0x3B9B9000 ==> improved_console,           NVSE plugin version:    3, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/improved_console.dll
0x3BA10000 - 0x3BA90000 ==> jip_nvse,                   NVSE plugin version: 5730, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/jip_nvse.dll
0x3BAA0000 - 0x3BAF9000 ==> johnnyguitar,               NVSE plugin version:  511, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/johnnyguitar.dll
0x3BB10000 - 0x3BB89000 ==> kNVSE,                      NVSE plugin version:   20, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/kNVSE.dll
0x3BC50000 - 0x3BC57000 ==> mlf,                                                   G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/mlf.dll
0x5EE90000 - 0x5EE96000 ==> nvse_console_autocomplete,                              G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/nvse_console_autocomplete.dll
0x3BCE0000 - 0x3BD48000 ==> nvse_console_clipboard,     NVSE plugin version:    2, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/nvse_console_clipboard.dll
0x3BD60000 - 0x3BE59000 ==> nvse_stewie_tweaks,         NVSE plugin version:  925, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/nvse_stewie_tweaks.dll
0x40010000 - 0x4001B000 ==> ui_organizer,               NVSE plugin version:  230, G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ui_organizer.dll
0x40130000 - 0x40136000 ==> weapon_lag_fix,                                        G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/weapon_lag_fix.dll
0x00400000 - 0x0147B000 ==> FalloutNV,                                             G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/FalloutNV.exe
0x18000000 - 0x18068000 ==> binkw32,                                               G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/binkw32.dll
0x5FED0000 - 0x5FEDE000 ==> d3dx9_38,                                              G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/d3dx9_38.dll
0x5F2A0000 - 0x5F54B000 ==> dsoal-aldrv,                                           G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/dsoal-aldrv.dll
0x5F940000 - 0x5FA01000 ==> libvorbis,                                             G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/libvorbis.dll
0x5FA10000 - 0x5FA31000 ==> libvorbisfile,                                         G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/libvorbisfile.dll
0x3B520000 - 0x3B670000 ==> nvse_1_4,                                              G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/nvse_1_4.dll
0x5F0E0000 - 0x5F10D000 ==> nvse_steam_loader,                                     G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/nvse_steam_loader.dll
0x3B400000 - 0x3B41D000 ==> steam_api,                                             G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/steam_api.dll

GAME CRASHED AT INSTRUCTION Base+0x00ACB144 IN MODULE: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe
Please note that this does not automatically mean that that module is responsible. It may have been supplied bad data or
program state as the result of an issue in the base game or a different DLL.

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