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No Items in Chests


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Hello everyone!
Recently I started playing dragon age origins again and I installed a couple of mods (specifics in the pictures).
Now the mods all seem to be working fine, I can play the game without stutters, it doesn't crash, there haven't been glitches...EXCEPT ONE.
It appears that no matter what chest I inspect or many of the other loot-able objects, there is never any items inside!! it is very frustrating and I'm wondering if anyone has ever encountered something similar. I could only find one post speaking of something like this but without any solution...



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5 hours ago, theskymoves said:

Do you have the Autoloot component of Dain's Fixes installed? There is at least one report (in the mod's comments) attributing empty chests and crates to that module.

Okay so I checked all the folders in Dain's Fixes and it appears I don't have the autoloot mod 😞
I also played some more yesterday and some chests and bodies have loot, and others don't. I cannot figure out if there is some sort of condition to it.
Also, idk if this helps, but those objects that have no loot always open to the quest-related items tab in my inventory.

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