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Wasteland Survival Challange Mod support


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Hello, all.

I was wondering if it would be possible to create a mod to enforce the rules for the Wasteland Survival Challange recently started on the GiantITP boards.

Full details on the challange can be found here:



The base restrictions (Not counting Score Multipliers) are:

Eat four food items/day. You may go seven days without before failing

Drink one drink item/day. Failing to do so three times will fail the challange

Sleep or Wait seven hours/day. Failing to do so five times will forfit the challange.


The Scoreing system is thus:

1 Point per unmarked Quest

2 Points per marked sidequest

3 points per Main Quest Segment (Vanilla/Broken Steel only)


Then there is a rather large list of other, arbitrary, and optional restrictions, visible through the provided link, which multiply your final score if adhered to.


Would it be possible to create a mod enforcing these rules?

Just so much as a pop-up message stateing: You need to eat X more food items, drink Y more drink items or wait Z more hours today, or another one stating "You have failed the Survival Challange for R reason" would be great.

An on-screen counter would be swell, too. For both points and basic needs fulfillment.

Any takers?


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You know if you search around there is actual game changing mods that turn food from being HP to actual food, and you suffer penalties if u don't eat, drink and sleep.

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2761 (that is FO3 Wanderers Edition) makes the game more fun and exiting. Like making you get real exited over finding stimpacks cuz they are so freaking rare. This mod does require other mods to use correctly if you choose to.

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While I do appreciate the response, that;s not exactly what I'm looking for.

Again, details are in the OP.


(Also, on a pet peevey note: "Exciting" is spelt with a 'c', as are derivitives of that word, and the shortened version of "Because" is "'Cus". Note the apostraphe)

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