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I'm having issues with modding


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This is a general forum, so at the very least, you need to state which game you are modding, or tag your post with the name of the game.  For Skyrim (SE/AE), launching through Vortex might bypass the script extender (SKSE, or the like), which would cause any mods requiring the extender to fail/not load, so check the file paths in the tool that launches the game in Vortex.  Alternately, you could also post on the Vortex Support forum, or even better, on a dedicated game forum that you can find by clicking on 'Game Communities' at the top of the page, and searching for your game.  Many games are there, but some are not.  You might get faster and better advice from the dedicated forum, if it exists.

I don't like starting the game through Vortex, just a standalone launcher shortcut, since running Vortex in the background will require more resources from your computer, and more power.  I am not aware of any mods that require Vortex be loaded to run in a game.

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