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Coverting a gun to melee weapon with a weapon mod

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I've been trying to create a replica of the katana nambu which can be used as a gun or sword based on whether it has a certain weapon mod installed but I cant get it to work. I think my issue may be to do with the 'animation type' variable which I can't work out a way of changing using a weapon mod.

Has anyone else tried doing soemthing similar with any success and if so how did you do it?


edit: added a pic of the katana nambu for anyone who hasn't come across it


Edited by AwesomeWalrus8
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So the animation group a weapon uses is determined by the keyword(s) attached to it. Most of them are easy to spot as they start with either Anims or WeaponType (AnimsUnarmed or WeaponTypeUnarmed), most have a pair (some are just one keyword) to trigger a set collection of animations, with separate ones for both 1st and 3rd person.

In short, you can use your OMOD (object modifcation/ the weapon mod) to add and remove the necessary keywords to switch over the animations, as well as the other things need.

In the CK edit your OMOD, under "Property Modifiers" you'll need to right click and add a new one for each keyword you want to add/remove. Change "Target" on the left for the new entry to "pkKeywords", then "Op" to either ADD or REMOVE,  and finally target the keyword needed with "Form".

I think you should also be able to use this method switching "pkKeyword" over to "poAmmo" to remove the ammo usage. Looks like psAttackSound, psAttackFailSound, psEquipSound for sound related stuff. You get the idea. OMOD's have a crazy amount of power.
As a whole tho, Ive really only tested this with melee weapons. Switching from unarmed to a swing but hopefully should be about the same?!

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Thanks for the reply. I already tried to replace the animation keywords and nulled the ammo type variable but that seemed to just break the weapon completely. I've been trying to do this in FO4edit which probably isn't the best idea, I'll try again in CK and see if I have better luck.

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